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Screenshot for Best Practices for Planning and Hosting Successful Professional Development Events
This presentation slide deck, provided by the National Convergence Technology Center (CTC) at the summer 2023 High Impact Technology Exchange Conference (HITEC) in Atlanta, looked at key strategies and best practices for successfully planning and delivering a professional development event. This...
Screenshot for Best Practices for Recruiting, Retaining, and Completing Underserved Students
This presentation, provided by the National Convergence Technology Center (CTC), was as part of a special webinar to the Convergence College Network (CCN) community of practice, and covers several successful case studies and best practices related to recruiting, retaining, and completing underserved...
Screenshot for BILT for the Future: How to Keep Looking Ahead So Curriculum Stays Current with Workforce Needs
This slide deck, provided by the National Convergence Technology Center (CTC), is from a workshop held at the summer 2022 Hight Impact Technology Exchange Conference (HITEC) in Atlanta. This workshop provided a detailed overview of best practices to implement and manage a "BILT" (Business and...
Screenshot for BILT Process Timeline
This handout was developed by the IT Skill Standards 2020 and Beyond project to provide a quick reference guide to the BILT (Business and Industry Leadership Team) process. The BILT process aims to align curriculum with workforce needs through frequent meetings with employers. This handout includes...
These sample communication tools are provided by the National Convergence Technology Center (CTC) and include an invite email template and a phone solicitation script. These tools are designed to help faculty and administration recruit new members to join a successful and effective "BILT" (Business...
Screenshot for BILT Trends Summaries
These one-page flyers were developed at the request of member schools in the National Convergence Technology Centers's IT educator community of practice, known as the "CCN" (Convergence College Network), to help support their local high school programs. High school faculty have full schedules and...
Screenshot for BILT Versus Traditional Advisory Councils
This video, from the National Convergence Technology Center, is a part of the BILT Spotlight series that showcases essential elements of the BILT (Business and Industry Leadership Team) Model, which helps educators energize their relationship with employers and better align curriculum with workforce...
Screenshot for Blockchain and Cryptocurrency
This 3-page document, published by the National Convergence Technology Center (CTC), summarizes a July 2021 meeting with CTC IT employers, the Business and Industry Leadership Team (BILT), to discuss what students need to know about blockchain and cryptocurrency. This meeting was scheduled based on...
Screenshot for Blue Collar AI
This webinar, published by the Convergence Technology Center, looks at the role two-year programs can play in preparing students for data science technician careers in the context of artificial intelligence. The presentation explores communities of practice and business applications for AI. Career...
Screenshot for Bridging the Gap Between Course & Career Collaborative Capstone
This presentation was provided by the National Convergence Technology Center (CTC) to attendees of the July 2023 Summer Working Connections professional development event. During this video, presenter Joey Bryant from Forsyth Technical Community College explains how the college developed a...
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