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Information and Security Technologies -- Information and communications technologies


This resource, provided by Florida State University, is a preliminary report of interviews conducted with employers who recruit and employ individuals in various Information Technology (IT) positions. The interviews were conducted by the Assessing Information Technology Educational Pathways That...
Screenshot for Problem Solving with an Icon Oriented Programming Tool: A Case Study in Technology Education
This paper, by Mattie Lattu, Jari M. Lavonen, and Veijo P. Meisalo, staff members in the Department of Teacher Education at the University of Helsinki, Finland, presents a case study in technology education that looks at creative problem solving with an icon oriented programming tool. The study and...
Screenshot for Profile of a Big-data-enabled Specialist
This 2-page profile, from the Oceans of Data Institute, provides information about the Big-Data-Enabled Specialist job. People in this position are individuals "who wrangle and analyze large and/or complex data sets to enable new capabilities including discovery, decision support, and improved...
Screenshot for Profile of an Ideal Pathway Director
This 2-page resource, from the Education Development Center and the Coast Community College District (CCCD), and provides information about what makes an ideal pathway director. The colleges affiliated with CCCD in Southern California work together to deliver career pathways in several industry...
This webpage, provided by Creating Pathways for Big Data Careers at the Oceans of Data Institute at the Education Development Center, contains a short summary and link to a pdf document entitled, "Profile of the Data Practioner."  This publication is the result of an April 2016 panel meeting of...
Screenshot for Providing Feedback to the BILT
This video, from the National Convergence Technology Center, is a part of the BILT Spotlight series that showcases essential elements of the BILT (Business and Industry Leadership Team) Model, which helps educators energize their relationship with employers and better align curriculum with workforce...
Screenshot for Quantum 101
In this webinar from the National Convergence Technology Center, J. B. Groves III from Wharton County Junior College highlights a class on quantum computing. Groves explores the essential quantum computing knowledge and skills that information technology (IT) students need to know and emerging...
Screenshot for R for Data Science
This E-textbook, written by statisticians Garrett Grolemund and Hadly Wickham, teaches learners how to use R to transform data, change its structure, visualize it, and model the data. The material has been designed for those with a data science background and focuses on using R to put data science...
Screenshot for R for Data Science (2e)
This E-textbook, written by statisticians Hadley Wickham, Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel, and Garrett Grolemund, provides learners with the information needed to use R to put data science into practice. The material in the textbook has been designed for those with a data science background and focuses on...
Screenshot for Recruiting BILT Members
This video, from the National Convergence Technology Center, is a part of the BILT Spotlight series that showcases essential elements of the BILT (Business and Industry Leadership Team) Model, which helps educators energize their relationship with employers and better align curriculum with workforce...
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