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Information and Security Technologies -- Information and communications technologies


This article is the fourth in a series of nine that covers basic programming for designing and implementing embedded processors. The series concentrates on "high-level programming languages, specifically the C language." This article discusses generating code for procedures. 
This article is the fifth in a series of nine that covers basic programming for designing and implementing embedded processors. The series concentrates on "high-level programming languages, specifically the C language." This article discusses register allocation and schedule, two important aspects...
This article is the sixth in a series of nine that covers basic programming for designing and implementing embedded processors. The series concentrates on "high-level programming languages, specifically the C language." This article discusses "how to analyze programs to estimate their run times. We...
This article is the eighth in a series of nine that covers basic programming for designing and implementing embedded processors. The series concentrates on "high-level programming languages, specifically the C language." This article discusses optimizing a program's energy consumption. 
Screenshot for The Experts in Electronic Evidence
The ATETV project delivers web-based videos to connect students to careers in advanced technology. In this episode of ATETV, we learn about the work that computer forensic examiners do. Companies hire these experts to help recover and protect their data. Seeing the practical applications of what...
Screenshot for The Role of Community Colleges in Cybersecurity Education: Future Directions 2022 Summit Report
This 168-page report, developed after a 2022 cybersecurity education summit and published by the National Cybersecurity Training and Education Center (NCyTE), "examines new, emerging workforce requirements and develops a renewed national strategy for community colleges to continue contributing to...
Screenshot for The Two-Year College Data Science Summit Report
This 36-page report, from the American Statistical Association, summarizes the Two-Year College Data Science Summit, the "state of data science/analytics programs at two-year colleges, recommendations, recommended program outcomes, and challenges." This Summit was held with the intent "to explore...
This digital textbook, from a computer science professor at the Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering, aims to introduce undergraduate students in computer science to operating systems, how they run programs, and "what you can do to make them run better and faster." Version 0.3.2 of the book is...
Screenshot for Tools and Practices for Increasing Diversity in ICT Education
This document begins with an overview of the diversity in the Information and Communication Technologies field and the Mid-Pacific ICT Center's diversity goal. Furthermore, strategies for achieving diversity goals are covered including specific changes faculty, counselors, and administrators would...
This pdf document, provided by Creating Pathways for Big Data Careers of the Oceans of Data Institute at the Education Development Center, contains tools that can be used by schools looking to design and implement career pathways in big data.  The tools included are: Building Blocks for a Big Data...
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