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General Advanced Technological Education

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Evaluation (155)
Learning research (191)
Recruitment (88)
Teacher preparation (50)


Screenshot for Episode 1: Preparing Technicians for the Future of Work
This podcast episode, published by the Center for Occupational Research and Development, is part of a series that covers issues and topics on technician development. In this episode, Michael Lesiecki introduces listeners to the podcast series and the fields and topics which it will cover. The audio...
Screenshot for Episode 26: Future Work, Future Technologies, Future Workforce
This podcast episode, published by the Center for Occupational Research and Development, is part of a series that covers issues and topics on technician development. In this episode, Linda Molnar, Program Director at the National Science Foundation, describes the Convergence Accelerator program and...
Screenshot for Episode 2: Who Owns the Skills Gap?
This podcast episode, published by the Center for Occupational Research and Development, is part of a series that covers issues and topics on technician development. In this episode, Michael Lesiecki invites Al Carlson to outline potential solutions and answers in regards to the skills gap. Carlson...
Screenshot for Episode 40: Harnessing the Power of Data and the Must-Have Cross-Disciplinary Skills
This podcast episode, published by the Center for Occupational Research and Development, is part of a series that covers issues and topics on technician development. In this episode, Jordan Morrow discusses how technicians can become proficient in interpreting and communicating data and explores...
Screenshot for Episode 42: What Is Emerging? Just Look at Your Mobile Phone
This podcast episode, published by the Center for Occupational Research and Development, is part of a series that covers issues and topics on technician development. In this episode, Todd Christensen talks about integrated sensors, MEMS, and how advanced digital technologies are increasing the...
Screenshot for Episode 43: Unlocking Potential Through Technology
This podcast episode, published by the Center for Occupational Research and Development, is part of a series that covers issues and topics on technician development. In this episode, Amy Kardel talks about the skills technicians need to be employable and successful. Lifelong learning and reskilling...
Screenshot for Episode 4: Design Thinking for Gender Equity
This podcast episode, published by the Center for Occupational Research and Development, is part of a series that covers issues and topics on technician development. In this episode, Michael Lesiecki invites Alexa Frank, Rachael Munkacsi, and Hope Cotner onto the podcast. The guests discuss the...
Screenshot for Episode 6: Micro-Credentials in Training and Education
This podcast episode, published by the Center for Occupational Research and Development, is part of a series that covers issues and topics on technician development. In this episode, Timothy Thomas illustrates the importance of the micro-credential, a sequence of 9-15 credit hours, often three ...
Screenshot for Episode 9: The Year in Review
This podcast episode, published by the Center for Occupational Research and Development, is part of a series that covers issues and topics on technician development. In this episode, the Preparing Technicians for the Future of Work Project team discuss what they learned and accomplished in the first...
Screenshot for Equivalent Fractions (Lesson 9 of 18)
This lesson plan, from the Contextualize to Learn project at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, provides an opportunity for students to explore equivalent fractions. In this lesson, students work in pairs to draw fraction models using equal-sized strips of paper. Students will learn to interpret a...
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