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General Advanced Technological Education -- Learning research


Screenshot for Gender Issues in Technology Education: A Quasi- Ethnographic Interview Approach
This paper, by W.J. Haynie, III, Associate Professor in the Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education Department at North Carolina State University, Raleigh, covers issues of gender in technology education. Using an ethnographic survey approach, Haynie covers his methodology and...
This 7-page paper, from Naomi C. Chesler and Mark A. Chesler, discusses a strategy to improve mentorship for female engineering scholars. The pair "explore the sociological literature on interpersonally- and institutionally- generated gender roles and dynamics that make the construction and...
This 42-page report is provided by SRI International and examines the results of a scenario-based alignment study. "The current report examines the alignment of a set of scenario-based learning materials with two sets of relevant industry standards. This review deepens knowledge about the range and...
This 2-page case study, provided by the National Institute for Women in Trades, Technology and Science, discusses the program coordinator at Techbridge and her efforts to teach fourteen high school girls engineering and computer science principles. These students studied circuitry, bridge building,...
“Excite Camp” is an annual program designed to build self-efficacy and bolster an interest in STEM in middle school Hawaiian girls. In 2008, 100% of participants surveyed reported that the camp experience increased their confidence/interest in math and science.
This 6-page article, from Lisa-Angelique Lim Yuen Lie and Emil Cheong, addresses the different approaches to learning adopted by men and women. The paper examines the academic performance of male and female students at the National University of Singapore and analyzes gender differences in learning...
This book is provided by the National Academy of Sciences and discusses research on how people learn. "First released in the Spring of 1999, How People Learn has been expanded to show how the theories and insights from the original book can translate into actions and practice, now making a real...
Screenshot for How to Support Career Technical Instructors to Develop Students’ Professional Skills
This 21-page resource from SRI International explains what instructors need to successfully incorporate professional skills training into their technical courses. The report includes several sections that "define professional skills and their importance to technical careers, [...] describe the...
This presentation and accompanying handouts from the first Workshop on Assessment of 21st Century Skills, given by Deborah Boisvert from Broadening Advanced Technological Education Connections​ (BATEC), reflects on work with employers to define, teach, and assess 21st century skills of computer...
This 8-page paper, from Afonso Celso Medina, Helena B.P. Gerson and Sheryl A. Sorby, discusses gender differences in respect to the 3-D visualization skills of engineering students. These skills are described as being "critically important for success in engineering careers." The paper looks at...
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