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General Advanced Technological Education -- Recruitment


Screenshot for National Institute for Women in Trades, Technology and Science YouTube Channel
The National Institute for Women in Trades, Technology and Science (IWITTS) aims to help "educators nationwide close the gender gap for women and girls in male-dominated careers, such as technology, the trades and law enforcement." This is the IWITTS YouTube channel and it showcases videos on women...
This page from the National Science Foundation provides access to the New Formulas publications from The Research on Gender in Science and Engineering Program (GSE). The publications may be downloaded free of charge, and mainly focus on the recruitment and retention of girls and women in science and...
Screenshot for New Opportunities for Learning
The ATETV project delivers web-based videos to connect students to careers in advanced technology. This episode of ATETV looks at non-traditional students returning to college for career training. These students have many useful skills already; returning to school makes them more marketable and...
This 8-page article, written by Lisa S. Anderson and Kimberley A. Gilbride, provides information on the Discover Engineering program at Toronto's Ryerson University. The program began as a summer program for female high school students, but now includes classroom outreach to co-ed high school...
This 2-page annotated bibliography, from the National Institute for Women in Trades, Technology and Science, provides a number of resources on improving the problem-solving skills of students. These skills "can lead to greater comprehension and success in the technology classroom." The bibliography...
Screenshot for Prospecting for Gold: Strategies for Recruiting and Retaining Students in Emerging Technologies
This SAME-TEC pre-conference workshop guide includes worksheets to help you create a blueprint for a recruitment program, design a learning community, design a mentoring program, and match mentors with participating students. The guide also includes descriptions and links to recruitment, retention,...
This best practices guide from FLATE, the Florida Advanced Technological Education Center of Excellence, offers strategies for engaging and retaining girls in STEM education from elementary school all the way through entry into the workforce. The 28 page guide begins by describing the challenges and...
This 5-page article, written by J. McGrath Cohoon of the University of Virginia, provides methods for increasing female participation in undergraduate computer science. A number of specific recommendations are made, including working directly with high school teachers and guidance counselors,...
Screenshot for Recruiting Girls: Practitioners' Perspectives
This webinar, made available by Florida Advanced Technological Education Center for Manufacturing, provides information on recruiting female students into STEM programs as well as increasing female students' interest in STEM fields. Presenters of the webinar include practitioners and educators from...
This 30-page report, from the Women Employed Institute, examines the role of lower income women in information technology careers. This report looks at barriers for entry for women into IT, entry points into IT, career paths in IT, occupations to target for recruitment, and messages for...
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