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General Advanced Technological Education -- Teacher preparation


Screenshot for Navigating The Bumpy Road to Student-Centered Instruction
This article explores the origins and patterns of student resistance to active and cooperative learning, and suggested ways to deal with the resistance.
Screenshot for PacerSpacer
In this resource provided by DeafTEC, the PacerSpacer resource is described in detail and recommended to instructors with deaf and hard of hearing students in their classrooms. The purpose of the software is to allow adequate time for students for students to read the slides before the instructor...
Screenshot for Performance Assessment Links in Science
This resource, from SRI International, is an on-line, standards-based, resource bank of science performance assessment tasks indexed via the National Science Education Standards (NSES) and various other standards frameworks. The resources are "collected from numerous sources, include student...
This paper, from Larry Flick at Oregon State University and Randy Bell from the University of Virginia, covers technology use in science classrooms. The following guidelines for using technology in science teacher preparation are introduced and discussed: 1) Technology should be introduced in the...
Screenshot for Problem Library
"How can I get my students to think?" is a question asked by many faculty, regardless of their disciplines. Problem-based learning (PBL) is an instructional method that challenges students to "learn to learn," working cooperatively in groups to seek solutions to real world problems. These problems...
This best practices guide from FLATE, the Florida Advanced Technological Education Center of Excellence, offers advice on planning and holding professional development workshops for educators in the ATE community. The 24 page guide begins with the workshop planning process, including advice on...
Screenshot for Right Angle (Lesson 5 of 9)
Lesson Description: This lesson is the fifth of nine lessons from the Vocational Math: Contextualized for Construction course that was taught at Madison Area Technical College. This lesson is a contextualized application for Pythagorean theorem, starting with students working in groups to create...
This website is intended for educators and provides a method for converting any rubric score into a percentage. Users provide the basic information for how the rubric is scored and the site converts it into the appropriate percentage. 
Socrative is an application for classroom engagement. "Get instant insight into student learning with easy-to-create quizzes, polls, exit tickets and more!" Users may enroll for a free version or pay for an annual subscription. 
Screenshot for Stop Cyberbullying
StopCyberbullying is a North American cyberbullying prevention program. This program includes specially trained young volunteers that design community programs to help peers address cyberbullying. This web site provides a discussion of what cyberbullying is, what to do if bullied in cyberspace, how...
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