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General Advanced Technological Education -- Teacher preparation


Screenshot for Strategies to Engage All Students in the Classroom
In this webinar, published by Florence-Darlington Technical College, Sarah Belknap and Juan Rodriguez Jr., STEM professors at State University of New York Westchester Community College (SUNY WCC), discuss using activities to create an inclusive and engaging classroom atmosphere. Belknap and...
DeafTEC provides this resource which covers the top ten things deaf and hard of hearing students would like their teachers to do. The handout includes ideas and suggestions to facilitate a more accessible classroom environment for deaf and hard of hearing students. Some of the items on the list...
Screenshot for Student Videos on Teaching Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students
DeafTEC provides this page with a series of short videos interviewing deaf and hard-of-hearing students about their experiences in education. The students talk about deaf stereotypes, positive and negative experiences with teachers, and the fact that they have to prepare more before and after class...
Screenshot for Teacher Videos on Teaching Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students
DeafTEC provides this page with a series of short videos interviewing teachers about their experience teaching deaf and hard-of-hearing students. The teachers talk about deaf stereotypes, positive and negative experiences, and working with interpreters. Additionally, the videos provide viewers with...
Screenshot for The Status of Design in Technology Teacher Education in the United States
This paper, from Scott A. Warner and Laura L. Morford of the Department of Industry and Technology at Ball State University, discusses design in technology teacher education in the United States. Warner and Morford present a study looking at both technique-based courses and synergistic courses....
Screenshot for Thirteen Ed Online: Educator Resources
This site offers a variety of lesson plans, hands-on projects, multimedia presentations, and other STEM resources for middle school and high school teachers that can be used in the classroom. The lesson archives section includes resources in the areas of mathematics, finance, science, social...
This page from DeafTEC presents a series of resources and an introductory video discussing how to use cooperative learning groups in a classroom with deaf and hard-of-hearing students. The first resource is a 24 slide presentation on this topic while the following five documents are to be...
Screenshot for Using Electronic Resources for Teaching
This webpage is an excerpt from the book, The Chicago Handbook for Teachers: A Practical Guide to the College Classroom.  Chapter ten of the book, in it is entirety, is provided on this webpage and is entitled, "Using Electronic Resources for Teaching."  The chapter is divided into the following...
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