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Engineering Technologies -- Materials technologies


This syllabus, provided by REU Site: Research Experiences and Exploration in Materials Science (REEMS) for Houston Community College Science and Engineering Students, details a seminar on Thermodynamics for the 2017 REEMS Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU).  This seminar took place June...
The objective of this learning activity is to provide students with an introduction to the sand casting method for metals and with an understanding of how the properties of materials can be changed. Sand casting is used to "make parts that are comprised of iron, bronze, brass, and, at times,...
Screenshot for Slime Away: Cross-Linking Poly (Vinyl Alcohol) with Sodium Borate
The Materials Science and Technology Teacher's Workshop (MAST) provides this lesson plan for students learning about polymers. The module will "explore the change in physical properties of a polymer as a result of cross-linking. The result of adding more cross-linking agents to a polymer is...
Screenshot for Slime: Classroom Demonstration
The Materials Education Resource Center has provided this hands on lab activity created by Andrew Nydam and Debbie Goodwin. The activity demonstrates property change due to crosslinking in slime formed from mixing PVA and Borax solution. This lab will teach the students the important concepts of...
Screenshot for Speed Rusting and Hot Hands
This experiment will demonstrate the heat that is released when iron is oxidized. Students will learn to prepare chemical mixtures safely, identify when a chemical reaction is taking place, observe the results of an exothermic chemical reaction and the effects of differing constituents on the rate...
Screenshot for Stress and Strain Experiment
The Materials Science and Technology Teacher's Workshop (MAST) provides this experiment as an introduction to stress and strain. The lesson allows students the opportunity to "design and make a concrete cylinder and beam that can withstand the greatest applied load." The concepts of comprehensive...
Screenshot for Stretching Wires: Tensile Strength Test for Various Metals
The Materials Science and Technology Teacher's Workshop (MAST) provides this experiment on the elastic and plastic properties of metals. The module involves using metal wire to gauge the elastic and plastic properties of metals by measuring length difference as a result of additional tensile loads....
Screenshot for Table-top Composite Panel Fabrication Lab
This lab experiment requires students to improve the mechanics of sandwich composites via construction and testing. Teams of students will "fabricate composite paper panels, and create both beams and signboards." The lesson can be completed within an hour. This activity would be appropriate for high...
Screenshot for Tempered For Safety
This document provides a learning module on tempered safety glass. In this activity, instructors demonstrate the fracture toughness of tempered glass, thereby illustrating how the glass is toughened and introducing the concept of the fractography of glass. It can be used in classrooms from...
Screenshot for Test Tube Geology: The Corrosion of Iron
The Materials Science and Technology Teacher's Workshop (MAST) provides this demonstration on corrosion. The class will observe the corrosion of iron nails in a test tube over a period of several days. The lesson includes a step by step explanation of the laboratory procedure and discussion...
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