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Screenshot for Dye-sensitized Solar Cells
Module Description: This module was created by the Center for Nanotechnology Education (Nano-Link) and covers dye-sensitized solar cells (DSC). "This device is essentially a photo-electrochemical cell, which means that a photo-induced chemical reaction causes electrons to travel from one material...
This web page, from the Nanotechnology Applications and Career Knowledge Support Center (NACK Center), includes materials for the undergraduate laboratory course titled Basic Nanotechnology Processes. The following seven units are included: An Introduction to Processing, An Introduction to Uses of...
Screenshot for E SC 213: Materials in Nanotechnology Laboratory
This web page, from the Nanotechnology Applications and Career Knowledge Support Center (NACK Center), includes a lab overview and laboratory activities that are associated with the E SC 213: Materials in Nanotechnology course. The following labs and related documents are included: E SC 213...
This web page, from the Nanotechnology Applications and Career Knowledge Support Center (NACK Center), includes materials for the undergraduate laboratory course titled Patterning for Nanotechnology. The following five units are included in the course: Advanced Lithography General Information,...
Screenshot for E SC 215 Associated Laboratory Availability
This web page, from the Nanotechnology Applications and Career Knowledge Support Center (NACK Center), includes a lab overview and laboratory activities that associated with the E SC 215: Nanotechnology Applications course. The following labs and related documents are included: ESC 215 Lab...
Screenshot for E SC 215: Materials Modification in Nanotechnology: Laboratory Activities
This web page, from the Nanotechnology Applications and Career Knowledge Support Center (NACK Center), includes a lab overview and associated laboratory activities that are part of the E SC 215: Nanotechnology Applications course. The following labs and related documents are included: ESC 215 Lab...
In this lesson from MAPS GIS at Lane Community College, students examine the ecological zones in Oregon using a web-based GIS map. Using the skills acquired from the tutorial, students will be able to investigate the connections between ecoregions in Oregon relating specifically to precipitation,...
This webpage, created by the Ecological Society of America, is a digital library that is composed of online educational resources. The resources are peer-reviewed for use in undergraduate ecology education. Resources are divided into three Discipline Specific Core Concepts: Botanical Core Concepts,...
Screenshot for Effects of Climate Change on Glaciers and Permafrost Virtual Field Trip Activity
This activity, provided by the Advanced Technology Environmental and Energy Center (ATEEC), takes students on two virtual field trips that focus on the effects of climate change on glaciers and permafrost. The field trips guide students using way points on Google Earth that include explanations,...
Program Description: The Center for Advanced Automotive Technology (CAAT) and Macomb Community College have developed curriculum for two Electric Vehicle Technology Certificate programs, one in product development, and the other in service, to prepare individuals with the fundamental skills and...
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