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This webpage, provided by the College & Career Readiness & Success Center (CCRS) at the American Institutes for Research, includes information and resources about the Integrating Employability Skills: A Framework for All Educators module. Resources include a facilitators guide, handouts, a workbook,...
Screenshot for Introduction to Actuators Learning Module
Module Description: This module, from Support Center for Microsystems Education (SCME), provides an overview of actuator devices, including "what they are, how they work and how they are used in both macro and micro-sized systems." This module is divided into the following four units: Pre-test...
This activity, created by Maricopa Community Colleges, is designed to provide students with a short introduction to solar photovoltaic and solar thermal technology. The PowerPoint, which contains 74-slides, provides a brief overview of the history of solar energy: how it was originally used in the...
Screenshot for Introduction to Asterisk with Trixbox
This presentation, made available by the National Convergence Technology Center (CTC), provides an introduction to Asterisk with TrixBox. TrixBox is an Asterisk distribution pre-packaged with several additions (CentOs, which is a free distribution of RedHat Linux, FreePBX, a web-based configuration...
Screenshot for Introduction to Basic Controls and Automation Presentation
This presentation, made available by Manhattan Area Technical College, provides an introduction to basic controls. Topics covered include: sensors, automated devices, process, control loop, control strategies, and controller hardware. The presentation also discusses how these components can be built...
The Northeast Biomanufacturing Center and Collaborative (NBC2) has created this webpage that provides an introduction and overview to the field of biomanufacturing. Links to a three-part series of articles on the topic are included.  In addition, visitors to the webpage can take a virtual tour of a...
Program Description: Lawrence Technical Institute offers a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering with six concentrations: alternative energy, automotive manufacturing, nanotechnology, solid mechanics, and thermal fluids, and is built around a core curriculum in thermal science,...
Course Description: Introduction to Precision Farming is provided by Agrowknowledge and is an introductory 3-credit course. "This course provides an overview of precision farming concepts and the tools of precision farming (GPS, GIS, and VRT)." The use of these tools in precision farming is covered...
This PowerPoint presentation is provided by AgrowKnowledge and includes information on global warming and carbon sequestration. The presentation defines global warming and discusses contributing factors and the consequences of global warming. The following slide topics are included: Global Warming,...
Screenshot for Introduction to Sensors Learning Module
Module Description: This module, from Support Center for Microsystems Education (SCME), serves as an introduction to sensors, one component found in microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). This module is related to two other modules that cover components in MEMS, transducers and actuators. These...
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