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Audio/Visual -- Movie/Animation


Screenshot for Inrush Current (Part 1 of 2)
This video from Columbia Gorge Community College is part one of two videos where viewers learn to "calculate inrush using the kVA/hp code found on a motor nameplate." Counter-electromotive force (CEMF) and the electrical theory of inrush are also highlighted. An introduction to inrush, equations,...
Screenshot for Inrush Current (Part 2 of 2)
This video from Columbia Gorge Community College is part two of two videos where viewers learn to "calculate inrush using the kVA/hp code found on a motor nameplate." Counter-electromotive force (CEMF) and the electrical theory of inrush are also highlighted. Equations, diagrams, and more are...
Screenshot for Inspiring Change: Perspectives on Embracing New Technologies
This video, from the 2021 Esri Education Summit, highlights new geospatial technologies and their applications. In the video, Krystle Harrell from Westpoint describes ArcGIS Pro and how it can modernize an undergraduate GIS curriculum. Harrell discusses the transition into ArcGIS Pro, learning tools...
Screenshot for Instant Hot Ice
This short YouTube video, which runs for 2:25, was created to show the viewer how to make "hot ice." First, they produce the solution by supersaturating sodium acetate and water by heating it over then stove, then chilling the solution, and finally create "hot ice" by touching the solution to make...
Screenshot for Institutional Infrastructure and Key Personnel Roles: Required Forms and Documents
This webinar, published by Project Vision, explores institutional infrastructure and key personnel roles for Advanced Technological Education (ATE) grants. In the video, Dave Brown provides information on navigating the proposal completion checklist, establishing institutional accounts to submit...
Screenshot for Integrated Nano-Photonics: The Transition to High-Volume Manufacturing and Implications for Workforce Education
This webinar, made available by State University of New York at Albany. College of Nanoscale Science & Engineering, provides an overview of integrated nanophotonics technology and several key aspects of manufacturing and quality control (testing). The implications of this technology regarding...
Screenshot for Integrated Systems Technician BAS
This presentation, from the National Convergence Technology Center, was given to attendees of the July 2023 Summer Working Connections professional development event. The presentation explains how Sinclair Community College developed a new Bachelor of Applied Sciences program. The presenter was Eric...
Screenshot for Integrating Building Automation Systems into Technician Education: Updates from Community Colleges
This video, provided by the Building Efficiency for a Sustainable Tomorrow (BEST) Center, is from the BEST Center's 2022 Annual Institute. Featured in the video is a discussion on the challenges of teaching commercial building controls in technician education curricula. The video includes ...
In this professional development video from Getting Results, instructors from different disciplines fit content from their disciplines into one integrated project that simulates a real-world problem. The instructors—from physics, technology, math, and communications disciplines—discuss the project...
Screenshot for Intel A.I. for Workforce Program
In this video from the National Convergence Technology Center, Carlos Contreras from Intel discusses an artificial intelligence (AI) readiness program. Contreras highlights Intel's RISE strategy for digital readiness, the role that AI can play in providing students with digital readiness, the role...
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