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Audio/Visual -- Movie/Animation


Screenshot for Loops and Decision Tools (Module 4 of 9)
This resource, provided by the GeoTech Center, is the fourth of nine online modules in the Python and Geospatial Mapping course. The course is designed for experienced users of Global Information Systems (GIS) platforms who are new to programming, with the goal of teaching them how to use Python to...
Screenshot for Loops and Decision Tools, Assignment 4.1 (Module 4 of 9)
This video assignment, provided by the GeoTech Center, is the first assignment from module four of the Python and Geospatial Mapping course, Loops and Decision Tools. The course is designed for experienced users of Global Information Systems (GIS) platforms who are new to programming, with the goal...
Screenshot for Loops and Decision Tools, Assignment 4.2 (Module 4 of 9)
This video assignment, provided by the GeoTech Center, is the second assignment from module four of the Python and Geospatial Mapping course, Loops and Decision Tools. The course is designed for experienced users of Global Information Systems (GIS) platforms who are new to programming, with the goal...
Screenshot for Loops and Decision Tools, Case Study (Module 4 of 9)
This video case study assignment, provided by the GeoTech Center, is from module four of the Python and Geospatial Mapping course, titled Loops and Decision Tools. The course is designed for experienced users of Global Information Systems (GIS) platforms who are new to programming, with the goal of...
Screenshot for Loops in C++ (The Concept, Explained) (Video 13 of 23)
This video, published by Sinclair Community College, is part of the video series Complex Concepts, Simply Put. This series explores programming concepts to augment the training of prospective IT technicians. In the video, viewers learn about loops in C++. The video breaks down the logical process...
Screenshot for Lost at Sea: The Search for Longitude
Corresponding to the PBS NOVA television program, this site covers the story of how humans developed a method for finding our way around the globe. It discusses today's greatest scientific challenges, explores GPS and how it works, and describes how ancient navigators found their way without...
Screenshot for Low Cost Motor Control Kit & Online Instructional Resources
In this webinar from the Center for Renewable Energy Advanced Technological Education Resource Center (CREATE), Jim Pytel provides an overview of how educators can teach motor control using a low-cost collection of components. In addition, Pytel shares free online instructional resources and lab...
Screenshot for Low Frequency Amplifier Response (Bipolar Junction Transistor)
This video, made available by the Northeast Advanced Technological Education Center (NEATEC), is part of the NEATEC Electronics II Series from Professor Roger Young. This video describes the low-frequency amplifier response for the bipolar junction transistor amplifier. The recording runs 38:02 ...
Screenshot for Low Frequency Amplifier Response FET V4
This video, made available by the Northeast Advanced Technological Education Center (NEATEC), is part of the NEATEC Electronics II Series from Professor Roger Young. This video describes the low-frequency amplifier response for the field effect transistor amplifier. The recording runs 16:39 minutes...
Screenshot for Luminescent Nanoparticles of Metal Oxides
This video recording is made available by the Nanotechnology Applications & Career Knowledge (NACK) and the Nanotechnology Collaborative Infrastructure Southwest (NCI-Southwest), and features a webinar presentation by Dr. Yuanbing Mao on luminescent nanoparticles of metal oxides. This presentation...
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