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Audio/Visual -- Movie/Animation


The Support Center for Microsystems Education provides information and training on the applications and fabrication of microsystems devices. This video provides "a brief overview of some of the thousands of BioMEMS being used in the medical field today and others in development and testing." BioMEMS...
The North Carolina Community College System BioNetwork's interactive eLearning tools (IETs) are reusable chunks of training that can be deployed in a variety of courses or training programs. IETs are designed to enhance, not replace hands-on training. Learners are able to enter a hands-on lab...
Screenshot for BioNetwork YouTube Channel
The North Carolina Community College System's BioNetwork YouTube channel provides high-quality training videos in the areas of chemistry, biotechnology, biology, and life sciences. These training videos can be used both as pre-lab preparation or post-lab reviews. Technical equipment demonstration...
Screenshot for Bioprotection: SO2 Alternatives for Microbial Control
This webinar from Bucher Vaslin North America explores the need for new winemaking tools and practices to reduce sulfite use as an additive. In the video, Eglantine Chauffour highlights the drawbacks to using the popular sulfite SO2 in winemaking; bio-protection through the use of Bio-Nature, a ...
This video and promotional flyer highlight the Biotech Exhibition held on December 14, 2017. The STEM program at Los Angeles Mission College hosted this event and featured work from the school's first Biotechnology class. Presentations were given on the following topics: Producing Electricity from...
Screenshot for Biotech Careers: Videos
This page from Bio-Link's career website features videos about the different careers available for students pursuing a biotech degree or certificate from a community or technical college. Videos are sorted into job areas, such as biomanufacturing, molecular biology, and aquaculture, and can be...
In this video by Bio-Link teachers discuss experiences as biotech instructors. Experiences include working with Virtual Enterprise, a program where students work on real projects; motivating students to become science majors; developing a quality control system for a college department; and making...
In this video by Bio-Link, Nathan Hillson talks about his experiences as a Bridge to Biotech mentor. Some of Hillson's role as a mentor included interacting with faculty that coordinate the program, overseeing a student project, and participating in the student poster session. This video runs 1:33...
In this video by Bio-Link, four students at the City College of San Francisco explain what biotech is. One student explains that biotechnology is merging living beings with science and making new and innovative changes for the future. Another student states that biotechnology is the ability to think...
This webpage from Northeast Biomanufacturing Center and Collaborative (NBC2) provides a collection of videos on biotechnology. Video titles include Bioprocessing Part 1: Fermentation, Bioprocessing Part 2: Separation and Recovery, Bioprocessing Part 3 - Purification, FDA Inspection Preparation,...
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