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Screenshot for How Hybrid Cars Work
Hybrid cars and other vehicles have been around for many years. This site treats the reader to information concerning a variety of different forms of alternative energy vehicles including the gasoline-electric hybrid car, diesel-electric hybrids and the differences between the series and parallel...
Screenshot for How Products Are Made
How Products Are Made is a website that explains and details the manufacturing process of a wide variety of products. Organized in seven "volumes," products are listed alphabetically. Each product article then details, step-by-step, the processes and procedures used in manufacturing. Articles also...
This collection, made available by Clark State Community College, includes instructional material about collecting and preserving plant specimens. A plant list, a weed identification list, and a guide on how to collect, press, and mount plants are included. The How to Collect, Press and Mount Plants...
These interactive learning objects, created by instructors from Fox Valley Technical College and other colleges in the Wisconsin Technical College program, focus on concepts that cover a broad-based electromechanical program. Here visitors will find learning objects in Hydraulics including Basic...
This website from iBiology includes a number videos on a variety of biology topics. Video topics include biochemistry, bioengineering, biophysics, cell biology, development and stem cells, ecology, evolution, genetics and gene regulation, human disease, immunology, microbiology, neuroscience, plant...
Screenshot for IBM Research Home Page
This is the home page of IBM Research with hyperlinks to pages covering activities in numerous scientific disciplines, including electrical engineering, materials science, physics, communications technology, semiconductor technology, storage, and server and embedded systems.
Screenshot for IceCube: South Pole Neutrino Observatory
This website provides information about the University of Wisconsin-Madison's IceCube particle detector located at the South Pole.  IceCube is the world's largest neutrino detector that searches for violent astrophysical events such as, "exploding stars, gamma-ray bursts, and other cataclysmic...
Screenshot for ICTStudy YouTube Channel
This YouTube channel from the Information and Communications Technologies Center evaluates the "effectiveness of both traditional and new media approaches in material dissemination methodology among ATE Centers & Projects nationwide." This channel presents the videos resulting from the project thus...
Screenshot for iGETT Remote Sensing Education YouTube Channel
This iGETT Remote Sensing Education YouTube channel includes videos for teaching and learning remote sensing concepts. These videos were created by participant educators in the iGETT project. Videos include the following: Remote Sensing Made Easy, Introduction to Remote Sensing Concepts for GIS,...
The Illinois GIS Association was created to unite the geographic information system (GIS) community together in order to work together to overcome the challenges of the field. This association allows businesses and individuals in GIS to share their experiences and expertise, to participate in...
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