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Screenshot for Thirteen Ed Online: Educator Resources
This site offers a variety of lesson plans, hands-on projects, multimedia presentations, and other STEM resources for middle school and high school teachers that can be used in the classroom. The lesson archives section includes resources in the areas of mathematics, finance, science, social...
This pdf document, provided by Creating Pathways for Big Data Careers of the Oceans of Data Institute at the Education Development Center, contains tools that can be used by schools looking to design and implement career pathways in big data.  The tools included are: Building Blocks for a Big Data...
Learning Unit Description: The Integrated Geospatial Education and Technology Training Project (iGETT) presents a series of Learning Units (LU) designed to incorporate federal land remote sensing data into Geographic Information System (GIS) instruction. The Tracking Land Cover Changes in the San...
Description:  This learning module is provided by Work-Ready Electronics and covers troubleshooting principles. Work-Ready Electronics modules are intended to be used either independently or integrated with current electronics curricula in college programs. This module is divided into three...
Try Engineering is a portal about engineering and engineering careers. This site is intended to help young people understand what engineering actually means and how an engineering career can be made part of their future. The site features links to engineering programs at major universities and...
As an agency within the Department of Transportation, the Maritime Administration is primarily concerned with the world of waterborne transportation. The agency also works in a variety of areas, including shipbuilding, port operations, national security, and safety. Users who find themselves on the...
This webpage, published by Unmanned Aircraft System Operations Technician Education Program (UASTEP), features tutorial videos for drone flying as well as videos from the 2017 Palomar College Drone Conference. Tutorial video titles include: Preflight and Safety, Basic Maneuvers, Collecting Ground...
Screenshot for UDL on Campus
This web page is a collection of resources intended for faculty, instructional designers, policy makers, administrators, and others who work in postsecondary institutions. "The purpose of this site is to offer an understanding of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in higher education." The site...
Screenshot for UECN Promotional Materials
Collection Description: This collection, published by Northeast Wisconsin Technical College (NWTC), contains promotional material related to NWTC's Advanced Technological Education Utilities and Energy Coordination Network (UECN) grant project. UECN aimed to create partnerships between educational...
This web page, from the Nanotechnology Applications and Career Knowledge Support Center (NACK Center) includes a description for six undergraduate courses that are focused on nanotechnology. Courses include the following: ESC 211: Material, Safety and Equipment Overview for...
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