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Screenshot for Business Is Booming for Biotech and Telecom
The ATETV project delivers web-based videos to connect students to careers in advanced technology. In this episode of ATETV, biotechnology and telecommunications are discussed. Community colleges work with companies in fields such as biotechnology to design curriculum to better educate their...
This PowerPoint presentation by Bob Feldmaier of the Center for Advanced Automotive Technology (CAAT) was presented at the 2013 conference Manufacturing the Nextgen Workforce and provides an overview of the CAAT. Discussed in the presentation are the CAAT’s mission and strategic priorities,...
Screenshot for Careers in Welding
Careers in Welding is a portal jointly produced by the American Welding Society and Weld-Ed, the National Center for Welding Education and Training. Here, visitors will find information for educators, students, and welding professionals, in addition to general information about exploring a career in...
A premier research laboratory in the College of Engineering, the Carnegie Mellon Nanofabrication Facility is one of the most well equipped university based facilities for thin film and nano/micro device development in the United States. The Nanofab includes a cleanroom with 2,600 square feet of...
This lab sequence guides students through the process of converting plant-based fuel sources (biomass) first into sugars then ethanol. "As biomass samples are pretreated, enzymatically digested, and fermented, students use glucose meters and ethanol probes to measure the key products of this...
The ATETV project delivers web-based videos to connect students to careers in advanced technology. This episode of ATETV points out the importance of communication skills to having a successful career, even in technological fields. The video explains that the ability to translate technology into...
Screenshot for Community Colleges, Industry Leaders Prepare Students
The ATETV project delivers web-based videos to connect students to careers in advanced technology. In this episode of ATETV, industry partnerships, process technology and simulation and game development are discussed. From oil refining to video game design and everywhere in between, community...
This one-page grid outlines the activities a member of the National Convergence Technology Center's IT faculty community of practice - known as the "Convergence College Network" (CCN) - can perform each year to earn the points required to maintain "Level 1" status. Gamifying membership in the CCN...
This lecture from the iBioSeminars project is presented by David Botstein from Princeton University. It presents experiments done in Botstein's lab studying, in yeast, the coordination of growth rate, stress response, metabolism and cell division. Using innovative methods to color code and cluster...
In this professional development video from Getting Results, Dr. John Bransford, professor of education at the University of Washington School of Education, and two science instructors discuss the effect a positive classroom environment has on student success. Bransford points out that much of...
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