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Elementary School -- Early Elementary


Screenshot for Integrating Science into Design Technology Projects: Using a Standard Model in the Design Process
This paper, by Bernard Zubrowski, with the Education Development Center, Inc., covers the integration of technology into elementary and middle school science education. Design engineering, as an approach, is discussed, as well as an example pedagogical model using an exercise in model windmills. 
This web site offers a variety of resources for learning about technology. Sections include: K-12 Education Resources, Maker Resources for Educators, Higher Education, Intel Education Accelerator, and Intel Technology Provider. Information is also included for Creating Successful Learning...
Screenshot for Izaak Walton League of America
The Izaak Walton League of America is a national nonprofit organization that educates the public about population and natural resource consumption issues through their Sustainability Education Project. This group also works with organizations involved in promoting sustainability at the community...
Screenshot for K-12 Education Plenary Session: Beyond the Tunnel
This video is the plenary session for the 2021 Esri Education Summit. In the plenary session, Charlie Fitzpatrick introduces the summit and Esri team and explores the Esri School Program. Kylie Donia also leads a participant survey with ArcGIS. The GeoInquiries Program, NatGeo Education, an overview...
Screenshot for K-12 Engineering Career Pathway Resource is a searchable, web-based digital library populated with standards-based engineering curricula for use by K-12 teachers and engineering faculty. The content in this resource includes activities, lessons, curriculum units, and living labs. Content can be browsed by subject,...
This site from the United States Department of Energy educates young learners on how to save energy in their everyday lives. It includes an energy action list which may be downloaded in PDF format, as well as other educational games and activities.
Screenshot for Labs Land
This LabsLand website connects schools with real laboratories that are available on the Internet. "A real laboratory can be a small arduino-powered robot in Spain, a kinematics setup in Brazil or a radioactivity testing lab in Australia." The laboratories are real, "not simulations: the laboratories...
Screenshot for Landsat Science: Education
This is the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration's launch page for all things related to Landsat science education. The Landsat program has been collecting spectral information of the earth's surface for over 40 years--the longest continual record of images of our planet. This website ...
Screenshot for Learning About Surface Area and Volume
This lesson, presented by the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network, covers the general concepts of area, perimeter, and volume to include surface area. Early exposure to the concepts of geometry, and broad concepts related to the elementary ideas of nanotechnology, are introduced to prime...
This is the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) launch page on environmental education. "Environmental education is a multi-disciplinary approach to learning about environmental issues that enhances knowledge, builds critical thinking skills and helps students make informed and responsible...
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