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High School -- Grade 11


Screenshot for Make a Vacuum Former
This video, presented by Make Magazine, shows a cheap and easy way to make 3D plastic forms like Storm trooper costumes and more. The cost for these 3D plastic forms is about twenty dollars. This video runs 5:36 minutes in length. 
Screenshot for Make and Take Experiment
The Materials Science and Technology Teacher's Workshop (MAST) provides this experiment on concrete in construction. The experiment focuses on developing an understanding of concrete as a construction material. Concrete products will be designed and constructed. Students will use two different sized...
Screenshot for Make Mousey The Junkbot
This video, hosted by Bre Pettis, provides a presentation of how a "trimet" should work; linked from the video is a PDF which will provide even more detailed instructions. A "trimet" is a little solar powered "BEAM" robot, and it will move around whenever enough power has been collected from the...
Screenshot for Make Your Own Catapult Out of PVC Piping
This video is provided by Make Magazine and demonstrates how to make a catapult out of PVC piping. "This weekend, get some PVC and build a human powered catapult. Bre Pettis joins forces with Bill Gurstelle, seige weapon builder extraordinaire!" The video runs 3:05 minutes in length. 
This video, created by Make Magazine, is a presentation of how to make your own circuit board (PCBs) using a laserjet printer. Host Bre Pettis carefully details a step by step process to attain the desired output. Additional information about the project is found at 
Screenshot for Making a Liquid Crystal Thermometer
This lab, presented by the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network, introduces students to the temperature response of liquid crystals, and how they respond in different phases of matter. In addition to liquid, solid, and gas, the fourth phase of matter includes liquid crystals which "have...
Screenshot for Making A Mark in Engineering and Energy Technologies
The ATETV project delivers web-based videos to connect students to careers in advanced technology. In this episode of ATETV, electrical engineering, emerging energy technologies and fuel cell technologies are discussed. Such ATE technical programs, available at community colleges, offer students a...
Screenshot for Making Math and Science Skills Pay Off
The ATETV project delivers web-based videos to connect students to careers in advanced technology. In this episode of ATETV, laser and photonics technology, geospatial technology and alternative energy technologies are discussed. A strong background in math and science gives students an advantage in...
Screenshot for Making Metals Strong Experiment
The Materials Science and Technology Teacher's Workshop (MAST) provides this experiment on "the effect of cold-working (strain-hardening) and annealing on the ability of wires of the same metal to support a load." Students will gain hands-on experience with cold-working and annealing and get to...
This educator resource, provided by the National Center for Next Generation Manufacturing (NCNGM), contains valuable information for students interested in pursuing manufacturing as a career. "This educator’s guide introduces students to contemporary manufacturing processes and products (with a...
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