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High School -- Grade 11


Screenshot for Manufacturer Checklist: Virtual Tour Guide
This 2-page checklist, from the Minnesota State Advanced Manufacturing Center of Excellence, is intended for manufacturers and includes ideas and tips for offering a virtual Minnesota Manufactured Statewide Tour. These tours can help students learn more about modern manufacturing in Minnesota. Tours...
Screenshot for Manufacturing & Electronics Hourly Pay 2012
This sheet from the Florida Advanced Technological Education (FLATE) Center highlights hourly wages for individuals working in the manufacturing and electronics industries. The information may serve to motivate students to obtain education beyond high school for use in these industries.
This page from the Center for Aviation and Automotive Technical Education (CA2VES) and the Florida Advanced Technological Education Center for Manufacturing (FLATE) provides a lesson plan for high school students entitled, "Manufacturing Your Way to a Brighter Future."  This 7-page lesson plan...
Screenshot for Mapping the Past and Present Through GIS
The ATETV project delivers web-based videos to connect students to careers in advanced technology. In this episode of ATETV, take a walk outside with a instructor and students who are plotting maps and using GIS to help one community preserve history. Running time for the full episode of this...
Activity Description: This activity, created by Christine Lewis of California State University, Chico, uses burn severity data from the 2003 "Old Fire" wildfire in the San Bernardino Mountains to underscore the role that remote sensing can play in determining changes in landscapes after a fire....
Screenshot for Marcellus Shale: Natural Gas Energy
This webpage from the EFMR Monitoring Group provides information on the extraction of natural gas from Pennsylvania's Marcellus Shale formation. Users may read a brief overview of the extraction efforts and the environmental concerns involved. A lesson plan and resource guide is available for...
In this video adapted from Pathways to Technology, learn how a degree in marine technology helped one student go from working at a marine farming company to becoming a partner in that company. Trevor Fay uses the GPS/GIS technology he studied in school to farm the red abalone, tracking their...
In this video adapted from Pathways to Technology, discover the undersea world of Penelope Ross, who’s studying marine technology. Penelope is learning to build undersea robots called ROVs: remotely operated vehicles. These ROVs can go places in the ocean where it’s hard for humans to travel, and...
In this video from Pathways to Technology, learn about the field of marine technology. The ocean is crucial to human life, so it is important to understand the ocean and the challenges it faces today. From mapping the ocean floor to tracking fish populations to monitoring pollution, marine...
This 5-page resource, provided by the Southeast Maritime and Transportation (SMART) Center, is a maritime and transportation industry internet activity. The task of this activity is "to create a five minute digital artifact that illustrates the route one of your favorite possessions may have taken...
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