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High School -- Grade 11


Screenshot for O'Connell Colfax High School Design Tech Students Show How They Produce a Model Drag Race Car
This video, from students at O'Connell Colfax High School design tech program, presents a project to develop a 1:20 scale electric dragster. One part of the student assignment was to create a multimedia promotional object for their race team. This video is the result of that assignment. 
In this lesson from the MAPS GIS program at Lane Community College, students will study the Oak Savannah ecosystems in Oregon to determine the environmental conditions that support this specific ecosystem. This lesson will be an inquiry based lesson that will create the foundation of a larger class...
Screenshot for Observing the Sun
Created by the Stanford Solar Center, this collection of activities serve as guides for those interested in observing the sun. Information on building pinhole cameras, using telescopes, accessing an online solar telescope, observing eclipses, and sketching sunspots is included. Intended for K-12...
Screenshot for Occupational Employment and Wages: Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technicians
This resource provides occupational employment statistics for Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technicians. This occupation is described as "apply electrical and electronic theory and related knowledge, usually under the direction of engineering staff, to design, build, repair, calibrate, and...
This website provides information on the Marine Advanced Technology Education Center's (MATE) Ocean Drifter Project. The site includes a definition of ocean drifters, an abstract, and links to the following resources: Oceanography and Google Earth: Observing Ocean Processes with Time Animations and...
Screenshot for
This webite, sponsored by COSEE (Centers for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence) and the Marine Advanced Technology Education (MATE) Center, can help in finding an ocean related career or job. Well-organized pages provide information about colleges, professional societies, scholarships,...
This video, from WGBH, takes a look at the Baha SAE off-road competition, organized by SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) International. The video explains how students take an off-road vehicle all the way from the design phase to completion and the competition. Here, visitors will see the...
This activity for high school students from the Florida Advanced Technological Education (FLATE) Center teaches students concepts of technical drafting/drawing. Through the design of an architectural/engineering space, students will gain a better understanding of the importance of measurement,...
Screenshot for Ohio Oil & Gas Energy Education Program: Curriculum & Labs
This webpage from the Ohio Oil and Gas Energy Education Program will assist classes learning about natural gas, crude oil and fuel production. The page is divided into six sections, focusing on formation, migration, exploration, drilling and production, refinement and finally, end products. Each...
Screenshot for Ohm's Law
This simulation of Ohm's Law is from the Physics Education Technology website of the University of Colorado. Included are links to related topics and additional ideas and activities for teachers to use. See how the equation form of Ohm's law relates to a simple circuit. Adjust the voltage and...
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