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High School -- Grade 11


Screenshot for Point Source Water Contamination
This 40-page module, published by the Advanced Technology Environmental Education Center (ATEEC), is part of a series of instructional materials on environmental technology and decision-making. This module focuses on the science-based background and research on point source water contamination. ...
In this activity, students will gain an "understanding of a commonly published diagram of global carbon pools and fluxes. Students create a scaled 3-D visual of carbon pools and net fluxes between pools with anthropogenic influences." Targeted at middle school through undergraduate students (grades...
Screenshot for Poles Apart - A Pictorial Visit to the Arctic and Antarctic
The NCSR Pictorial Series of presentations are designed to provide faculty, teachers and other natural resource professionals an informal PowerPoint presentation on selected environmental settings. The presentations consist of pictures of the natural environment and feature plants, animals and...
Screenshot for PoliTOcean: Technical Report
This 22-page report, published by the Polytechnic University of Turin, describes the design and construction of the underwater remotely operated vehicle (ROV) created by the PoliTOcean team for the Explorer Class of the 2022 MATE ROV competition. MATE ROV is a global competition that challenges STEM...
Screenshot for PoliTOcean: Technical Report
This 21-page report, published by the Polytechnic University of Turin, describes the design and construction of the underwater remotely operated vehicle (ROV) created by the PoliTOcean team for the Explorer Class of the 2023 MATE ROV competition. MATE ROV is a global competition that challenges STEM...
Screenshot for Polynomials
This polynomials lesson, from the Contextualize to Learn project at the University of Wisconsin - Madison, is part of a series of seven applied electronics math lessons. In this lesson students practice adding, subtracting and multiplying polynomials. Students practice factoring quadratic equations,...
Screenshot for Popcorn Picker
This webpage features a 3 act math task by Dan Meyer. During this lesson, Meyer takes a piece of paper and make two different cylinders. Meyers tests which cylinder will hold more popcorn. The lesson includes two videos and a number of questions related to the volume of a cylinder. The following is...
Screenshot for Post-Wildfire (Salvage) Logging - The Controversy
Module Description: The Fire Ecology and Management Series is provided by the Northwest Center for Sustainable Resources and includes six modules. This series “is designed to address both the general role of fire in ecosystems as well as specific wildfire management issues in forest ecosystems.” The...
Screenshot for Potential to Kinetic Energy Demonstration: Principles of Energy Transfer
The Materials Science and Technology Teacher's Workshop (MAST) provides this activity to illustrate the principles of energy transfer. The demonstration uses a balance, matches, soda cans and a firecracker to show how energy can transfer between light, sound, heat and kinetic energy. Potential and...
Screenshot for Pouring an Agarose Gel
This video from CUNY Kingsborough Community College shows how to pour an Agarose Gel. The video describes the process step by step and would be easy to replicate in a laboratory setting. Running time for the video is 2:13.
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