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High School -- Grade 11


Screenshot for Products of Sums V1
This video, made available by the Northeast Advanced Technological Education Center (NEATEC), is part of the NEATEC Digital Electronics Series from Professor Roger Young. This video describes the product of sums and runs 23:37 minutes in length.
Screenshot for Professional Certifications Help You Stand Out
The ATETV project delivers web-based videos to connect students to careers in advanced technology. This episode examines how taking the extra step to pursue professional certifications demonstrates your commitment and can help advance your career. The running time for the episode is 2:32 and for...
These presentation slides are provided by the GeoTech Consortium of Western New York: Get the GIST (Geospatial Information Science Technology) Certificate and provide information about the field of geography and related fields. These presentation slides are part of a series of resources used during...
Screenshot for Profiles in Ocean Careers
This page, from the Centers for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence at Monterey Peninsula College, presents information on Ocean Careers including individual Career Profiles, Employer Profiles, Educational Institution Profiles, and Profiles of Interesting People. In the first section, Career...
Screenshot for Programmable Logic Controllers 1
Course Description: This course, developed by Bridgerland Technical College, teaches students ladder logic and programming techniques of programmable logic controllers. The basic hardware of various systems that will be used for programming is covered. Upon completing the course, students should be...
Screenshot for Project Based Learning and Improving Internships
This webinar, published by InnovATEBIO, features two presentations: one from Chander Arora on using Project Based Learning to cultivate inclusion in Biotechnology, and another, from Susan Ingersoll, on improving biotechnology internships at Valencia College. The first presentation discusses...
Screenshot for Project CODE Promotional Materials
This 2-page brochure, from Palm Beach State College, provides information about Project Code. This project "... intends to create a robust learning community to encourage black, Hispanic and female high school students in western Palm Beach County to enter cybersecurity programs and participate in a...
These presentation slides, made available by Louisiana Delta Community College, are from a workshop for high school teachers and counselors in July of 2019. The presentation discusses the need for instrumentation technicians in the engineering industry and provides an overview of Project COMPLETE...
These presentation slides, made available by Louisiana Delta Community College, are from a workshop for high school teachers and counselors in March of 2019. The presentation provides an overview of Project COMPLETE (Controlling, Operating, and Measuring: Pathways for Learners to Engineering...
This video, made available by Louisiana Delta Community College, features Dr. Michael Swanbom discussing Project Controlling, Operating, and Measuring: Pathways for Learners to Engineering Technology Employment (Project COMPLETE). Dr. Swanbom, one of the Project's leaders, provides a brief overview...
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