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High School -- Grade 11


Screenshot for The Learning Pit
This web site provides links to software simulations, course materials, and curriculum for technology training. Tutorials are available on digital logic, digital signal processing, fiber optics, renewable energy, motors, and interfaces. Tables include AWG wire gauge, resistance values, and capacitor...
Screenshot for The Materials in Your New TV: The Liquid Crystal Display
This module introduces the liquid crystal display, including glass substrates, electronics and liquid crystals. Learning objectives include explaining the components of the LCD system, describing the process of making LCD glass, illustrating a typical glassy structure, defining a liquid crystal, and...
This 36-page paper, provided by the Maui Economic Development Board, describes the Women in Technology Project's efforts to increase the participation of women in the science, engineering, and technology workforce. One such effort was a survey of all junior and senior students at the Maui County...
Screenshot for The Nature of Things
This site features interactive tools related to The Nature of Things television show. The tools include different videos and descriptions of a wide variety of subjects. Some examples include biomimicry, human illness, indoor pollution, and other issues affecting humans. 
Screenshot for The New Economics of Semiconductor Manufacturing
The authors apply the Toyota Production System to semiconductor manufacturing. They advance the idea that today a fabrication plant must be able to make many types of products at small volume. This represents a sea change for the semiconductor industry. 
This lesson, created by JoAnn Flejszar, allows students to trace the steps of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle beginning with the mining process, and ending when the fuel rods are ready to be loaded into the fuel assembly for use in a nuclear reactor. Using real-life examples from China, India, and France –...
Screenshot for The Odd Behavior of Rubber Bands
In this laboratory module, students will have the opportunity to explore the structure of a simple rubber band in this easy and quick in-class activity. Students will also observe the behavior of rubber bands when stretched and when contracted. The module is about 30 minutes long, appropriate for...
Screenshot for The Opensource Handbook of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
This wikibook on nanoscience and nanotechnology gathers information about the various tools, methods and systems to provide students, researchers and everyone else an open-source handbook and overview guide to this vast interdisciplinary and expanding field - a book that can be adjusted as new...
This video, made available by the Northeast Advanced Technological Education Center (NEATEC), is part of the NEATEC Electronics II Series from Professor Roger Young. This video describes the operational amplifier and runs 20:48 minutes in length.
The Physics Classroom site is an online portal for introductory physics students. The tutorials were originally developed for physics students at Glenbrook South High School in Glenview, Illinois. The 13 tutorials cover basic physics topics using informative graphics and an easy-to-understand...
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