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High School -- Grade 11


Screenshot for Tools and Practices for Increasing Diversity in ICT Education
This document begins with an overview of the diversity in the Information and Communication Technologies field and the Mid-Pacific ICT Center's diversity goal. Furthermore, strategies for achieving diversity goals are covered including specific changes faculty, counselors, and administrators would...
Created by Kaye Krueger of Wisconsin Online Resource Center, this presentation allows user to read about how total productive maintenance can prevent breakdowns, defects, and a variety of other losses. This is a nice, brief introduction to this important topic in manufacturing engineering.
Screenshot for Tour Preparation Checklist: Teachers Tour Guide
This 2-page checklist, from the Minnesota State Advanced Manufacturing Center of Excellence, is intended for teachers participating in the Minnesota Manufactured Statewide Tour. This tour is for students to learn more about modern manufacturing in Minnesota. The checklist includes tips for...
Screenshot for Toxicity Testing Activity
This 1-page learning activity, from the Advanced Technology Environmental and Energy Center (ATEEC), helps students understand the impacts of pollution in an ecosystem and the effects that different substances can have on those who live there. In the activity, students define basic routes of entry...
This lesson plan, adapted from NASA's Solar and Heliocentric Observatory website, teaches students how to examine and track sunspots at different latitudes on the sun.  This activity "can be used as an introduction to the solar cycle to explore the relationship between sunspots and other solar...
This video from CUNY Kingsborough Community College describes how to transfer a bacterial culture to an agar slant. The brief demonstration is described step by step and would be easy to replicate in a laboratory setting. Running time for the video is 0:34.
Screenshot for Transforming Agriculture with GPS; Using Lasers and Photonics; What is Biomanufacturing?
The ATETV project delivers web-based videos to connect students to careers in advanced technology. In this episode of ATETV, precision agriculture, laser and photonics technology and biomanufacturing are discussed. All of these areas are on the cutting edge of technology, and many students are...
Created by Patrick Hoppe, of the Wisconsin Online Resource Center, this is an introduction to the metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET). Along with a general introduction, students also examine its enhancement mode. This is a nice, brief introduction to the topic.
Screenshot for Transistorized! The History of the Invention of the Transistor
This PBS website is about the history of the transistor. Visitors can learn more about the timeline of inventions in this area, including the discovery of the electron, the silicon p-n junction, the invention of the transistor, the integrated circuit and the future of transistors. The website...
This resource provides an interactive activity on field effect transistors. These are "a type of transistor that utilizes an electric field to control the shape of a channel in which charge carriers in a semiconductor material flow." An interactive diagram is presented allowing students to...
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