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High School -- Grade 11


Teachers' Domain presents this video as part of a series on advanced technological education. In the video, a laser technician supervisor is profiled. He describes his daily work and what education is required to work in the field. The clip highlights teamwork, communication and troubleshooting as...
Screenshot for Laser Technicians From Indian Hills Community College
This video, from Indian Hills Community College, includes information about and interviews from laser technicians. Engineers and technicians describe positive aspects of photonics careers, different types of technicians who use photonics in their jobs, and important subjects to study in school. This...
This file contains six promotional flyers for events hosted by LASER-TEC. Four of these flyers promote different summer 2018 bootcamps designed for youth between the ages of 12 and 17. Another flyer provides information about LASER-TEC's Tech Like a Girl camp, which was designed to "introduce 7th...
Screenshot for Latches and Flip Flops V1
This video, made available by the Northeast Advanced Technological Education Center (NEATEC), is part of the NEATEC Digital Electronics Series from Professor Roger Young. This video describes latches and flip flops and runs 59:48 minutes in length.
Screenshot for Learn Engineering Through Videos
This infoco webpage provides a collection of links to educational videos related to engineering that are intended for a general audience. The videos cover a variety of topics and include STEM Concept Videos, Brave New World with Stephen Hawking, Visions of the Future, Inventions that Changed the...
This lesson plan and activity guide from The Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics (JINA) and the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (NSCL) teaches students about matter on the atomic and subatomic scale.  Learning objectives are included on this webpage with a link to the downloadable...
This National Renewable Energy Laboratory website provides information about renewable energy. Topics include solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, hydrogen, and advanced vehicles and fuels. 
This is the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) launch page on environmental education. "Environmental education is a multi-disciplinary approach to learning about environmental issues that enhances knowledge, builds critical thinking skills and helps students make informed and responsible...
Part of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's education resources, this list of "Lesson Plans, Teacher Guides and Online Resources for Educators" contains links to environmental based lesson plans, activities and ideas from the EPA, as well as other federal agencies and external organizations....
Screenshot for Learning Good Electronics or Coping With Challenging Tasks: The Priorities of Excellent Students
This paper, from Moshe Barak of the Department of Education in Science and Technology at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, covers the state of high school technology education in Israel. A background is given, as well as research goals, analysis, and findings.
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