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High School -- Grade 12


Screenshot for ARRL Education and Technology Program Curriculum Guide
This curriculum guide, from the American Radio Relay League, is "a resource that will help you do what you do best...teach, and teach in a refreshing, captivating way that will bring your students into the world of wireless technology, a journey that will enrich their lives, and our lives." From...
Screenshot for Assembling an Electric Guitar
This 42-page resource from the STEM Guitar Project provides instructions for building an electric guitar from a kit of parts. The resource is a step-by-step process divided into the following sections: a list of parts, Preparing the Body for Finishing, Finishing the Body, Designing the Headstock,...
This presentation by Candice Odgers of the University of California - Irvine was given to the Workshop on Assessment of 21st Century Skills, held in January 2011. In it, Odgers discusses behavioral problem assessment and ASEBA, the Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessments.
This presentation was given to the Workshop on Assessment of 21st Century Skills, held in January 2011. Timothy Cleary, Associate Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and his presentation highlight four main points: 1. To briefly underscore the need for and importance of...
In this professional development video from Getting Results, Dr. John Bransford, professor of education at the University of Washington School of Education, as well as a community college statistics instructor and a course designer discuss assessment. Bransford explains that learning goals should...
This presentation, by Bruce A. Fuchs of the Office of Science Policy at the National Institutes of Health, was given during the second Workshop of Assessment of 21st Century Skills was held in May, 2011. In it, Fuchs examines problem solving skills, including the PISA 2003 Problem Solving Study and...
This presentation, by Joan Herman of the National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing, was given during the second Workshop of Assessment of 21st Century Skills was held in May, 2011. In it, Herman gives a recap of the previous workshop held in January, themes which...
This presentation, by Rick Hoyle of Duke University, was given during the second Workshop of Assessment of 21st Century Skills was held in May, 2011. In it, Hoyle defines intrapersonal skills, discusses the importance of self-regulation and integrity, and provides information on measuring antisocial...
This presentation and accompanying paper by Rick Hoyle and Erin K. Davisson was given to the Workshop on Assessment of 21st Century Skills, held in January 2011. Hoyle and Davisson discuss the assessment of self-regulation, a common and important thread among intra-personal skills. The presentation...
Screenshot for Associate Scientist Andres Berrio
This video, from WGBH, looks at Andres Berrio and his current job as an associate scientist. This video examines what someone can do with experience and education in laboratory science, what skills are needed to succeed in this field, and what employees can do to shine to employers. Viewers will...
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