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High School -- Grade 12


Screenshot for An Introduction to Manufacturing in Minnesota Teacher Guide
​​​​​This 80-page teacher guide, provided by the Minnesota State Advanced Manufacturing Center of Excellence, includes ready-made lessons for students in grades 6-12 to explore careers in manufacturing. This guide includes the following chapters: What is Manufacturing, Manufacturing in Minnesota,...
Screenshot for An Introduction to Motor Protiens and Nanotechnology
In this animated object, learners consider how nanoscientists are mimicking intracellular movements when building nanobots.
Screenshot for An Introduction to Nanotechnology
Created by the Center for Nanotechnology Education and Utilization at Pennsylvania State University, this presentation provides an introduction to products and careers related to nanotechnology. After providing a definition of nanotechnology, the presentation goes on to illustrate the size of a...
Screenshot for An Introduction to the Digital Multimeter
The digital multimeter is an electronic technician's most widely used piece of equipment. The proper operation of the meter is essential. In this interactive online learning object, students read an introduction for the functions and proper operation of a digital multimeter.
Screenshot for An Overview of Manufacturing in Florida
This video from the Florida Advanced Technological Education Center for Manufacturing (FLATE) provides an overview of the manufacturing industry in Florida. The vide is 21:17 and discusses the 60,000 companies that manufacture products in this state. The products include medical devices and...
Screenshot for Analog Circuits: Ohm's Law & Basic Concepts
This tutorial is provided by National Instruments and introduces users to the basic fundamentals of analog circuits. Topics include Ohm's Law, Basic Analog Circuit Concepts, Capacitance Calculations, and Inductance Calculations. Users can also view an interactive presentation to explore the...
Screenshot for Analyze a Part Drawing
In this interactive object, learners answer 25 questions regarding part or assembly drawings. The basic areas of blueprint reading are covered.
In this lesson from the MAPS GIS program at Lane Community College, students will describe global spatial patterns of human development using HDI rankings. Students will complete a table of demographic data on selected countries so they can look for connections. Students will use that information to...
Screenshot for Anatomy of a Wildfire - The B&B Complex Fires
Module Description: The Fire Ecology and Management Series is provided by the Northwest Center for Sustainable Resources and includes six modules. This series “is designed to address both the general role of fire in ecosystems as well as specific wildfire management issues in forest ecosystems.” The...
In this activity, presented by the Lane Community College's MAPS GIS Program, students "are led through a series of steps to describe spatial patterns of various data layers representing ancestry." Students will examine data from the 2005 US Census to determine whether the spatial distribution is...
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