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Higher Education -- Technical Education (Upper Division)


This presentation by Bob Feldmaier of the Center for Advanced Automotive Technology (CAAT) was presented at the All Things Green conference on April 11, 2013 and discusses the topics of green fleets, plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs), and PEV charging infrastructure. Provided in the presentation is a...
This 9-page article from Elizabeth E. LeClair highlights a spatial reasoning exercise and the importance of spatial reasoning ability. This exercise was developed to enhance students' spatial reasoning without using challenging jargon or digital imaging. "Using refrigerator magnets, foam blocks, ink...
This is a webpage filled with over 80 learning object lessons that cover many areas in the Alternate Current field: Alternating Current, Oscilloscopes, Capacitors, Inductors, Transformers, RC Circuits, RL Circuits, and RLC Circuits.
Created by Terry L.M. Bartelt of the Wisconsin Online Resource Center, this is an object lesson on alternating current flow. This is a nice brief introduction to this specific topic. Its employment of Flash allows useful interaction with the presentation.
This learning object, created by Terry L.M. Bartelt and John Rosz of Wisconsin Online Resource Center, focuses on alternating current voltage conversion problems. Aside from just the presentation, this site also contains practice problems. Overall, this is a useful presentation for a brief...
Screenshot for Alternating Current Voltage Conversions
Terry L.M. Bartelt of the Wisconsin Online Resource Center has created this object learning activity on alternating current (AC) voltage conversions. This is a nice introduction for those interested in this basic topic.
Screenshot for Alternative Agriculture in Iowa
This page, from Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, provides information intended to "assist producers, processors, marketers, business owners, policy makers, researchers and the general public with information on alternatives to Iowa's traditional crops (corn and soybeans)." The site...
Description:  This learning module is provided by Work-Ready Electronics and covers alternative energy sources. Work-Ready Electronics modules are intended to be used either independently or integrated with current electronics curricula in college programs. This module is divided into three...
Screenshot for Alternative Farming Systems Information Center: Sustainable Agriculture Tool
This site, provided by the Agriculture Network Information Center (U.S.), provides information on sustainable agriculture. This site discusses what sustainable agriculture is and provides further resources. 
Screenshot for Alternative Paths to a Technical Career
The ATETV project delivers web-based videos to connect students to careers in advanced technology. In this episode of ATETV, dual enrollment, changing careers and GIS technology are discussed. Many community colleges offer dual enrollment programs: high school students can receive college credit...
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