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Higher Education -- Technical Education (Upper Division)


This 11-page paper, provided by the American Society for Engineering Education, discusses the creation of an innovative framework from the Advanced Manufacturing and Prototyping Integrated to Unlock Potential (AMP-IT-UP) NSF Math/Science Partnership at the Georgia Institute of Technology. This...
Screenshot for Anatomy of a User-Friendly Evaluation Report
This webinar, provided by EvaluATE: Evaluation Resource Center for Advanced Technological Education, discusses user-friendly evaluation reports. The webinar shows what user-friendly evaluation reports look like and provides strategies for creating readable, meaningful, and useful reports. The...
Screenshot for Anatomy of a Wildfire - The B&B Complex Fires
Module Description: The Fire Ecology and Management Series is provided by the Northwest Center for Sustainable Resources and includes six modules. This series “is designed to address both the general role of fire in ecosystems as well as specific wildfire management issues in forest ecosystems.” The...
In this activity, presented by the Lane Community College's MAPS GIS Program, students "are led through a series of steps to describe spatial patterns of various data layers representing ancestry." Students will examine data from the 2005 US Census to determine whether the spatial distribution is...
Screenshot for Anchoring a Unified Bioscience Credentialing System
In this video, published by InnovATEBIO, Bridgette Kirkpatrick and Tamara Mandell highlight their ATE project at Collin College, which aims to create a unified bioscience credentialing system by expanding state-level adoption of the Biotechnician Assistant Credentialing Exam (BACE). Project goals...
Screenshot for Angular Momentum in Human Walking
This paper, written by Hugh Herr and Marko B. Popovic, provides a comprehensive study of human walking that focuses on whole-body rotational behavior. The researcher used a 16-segment human model and data on gait from human participants to examine segmental contributions to whole-body angular...
This 15-page document is provided by AgrowKnowledge and includes an overview of an Animal Science and Biotechnology course in an Agriculture program. "This course is designed to introduce students to the scientific principles that underlie the breeding and husbandry of agricultural animals, and the...
Screenshot for Animated Engines
This website includes a variety of animations explaining the mechanical workings of a variety of steam, Stirling and internal combustion engines. The animations may be paused, slowed or sped up. The animations are accompanied by additional text explaining how each engine works.
Screenshot for Animated Hydraulic Components in zSpace
This lecture, published by Columbia Gorge Community College, uses zSpace, a virtual reality system, to examine the internal construction of hydraulic components and how they operate. Featured in the lecture are models isolating the individual parts that make up each component, alongside ...
Screenshot for Animated Pneumatic Components in zSpace
This lecture, published by Columbia Gorge Community College, uses zSpace, a virtual reality system, to examine the internal construction of pneumatic components and how they operate. Featured in the lecture are models isolating the individual parts that make up each component, alongside ...
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