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Higher Education -- Technical Education (Upper Division)


Collection Description: This collection, provided by EvaluATE: Evaluation Resource Center for Advanced Technological Education, includes the 2016 ATE Survey Report and related resources. "This report summarizes data gathered in the 2016 survey of ATE program grantees." Survey findings include...
Screenshot for Antimicrobial Properties of Silver Nanoparticles
This module provides students the opportunity to "explore silver nanoparticles and their effectiveness against bacterial growth in hands-on laboratory activities." Students first make silver nanoparticles and then use them in an experiment they design. This lesson will require two or more class...
Screenshot for Any Questions?
This short article reviews the different types of questions that can be effectively asked in class to promote active learning, with particular relevance for the engineering classroom.
This 136-page AP Environmental Science Textbook is provided by the University of California College Prep. "This text is designed to acquaint students with the physical, ecological, social, and political principles of environmental science. Scientific method is used to analyze and understand the...
From Apple, this site contains educational tutorials for teachers and for information technologists. The Teachers and Administrators section contains a number of videos demonstrating various educational functions of Mac's Leopard and Snow Leopard operating systems. The Information Technology section...
This webpage is provided by nanoHUB and includes a PowerPoint lecture that is the second in a series of five lectures on nanotechnology created by SHINE: Seattle's Hub for Industry-driven Nanotechnology Education and North Seattle College. This lecture discusses nano-enhanced materials and the...
Screenshot for Applications of Phase Change Material - Integrated Hybrid HVAC Systems in Commercial Buildings
This presentation, provided by the Building Efficiency for a Sustainable Tomorrow (BEST) Center, is from the BEST Center's 2022 Annual Institute. During the presentation, Spencer Dutton, principle scientific engineering associate at the Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory, discusses the development...
Screenshot for Applied Cryptography Module
This webpage, from National Cybersecurity Training and Education (NCYTE) Center, is one of seven learning modules from the Cybersecurity-Infused Computer Science Modules series. This module "focuses on practical aspects of private key and public key cryptography," and the Primary Learning Objectives...
This paper, from the American Society for Engineering Education, discusses the NSF ATE-funded Applying Research-Based Instructional Methods in the Classroom project at Sinclair Community College. The project, led by Professor Houdeshell, focuses on the "application and evaluation of research-based...
This slide deck was presented on December 12, 2017 as part of a National Academy of Sciences conference on Fostering Worker Mobility and Apprenticeships for a Skilled Technical Workforce. This presentation was from Panel II: Lessons from European Workforce Programs and focuses on apprenticeships at...
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