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Higher Education -- Undergraduate (Lower Division)


Screenshot for An Introduction to Motor Protiens and Nanotechnology
In this animated object, learners consider how nanoscientists are mimicking intracellular movements when building nanobots.
Screenshot for An Introduction to Nanotechnology
Created by the Center for Nanotechnology Education and Utilization at Pennsylvania State University, this presentation provides an introduction to products and careers related to nanotechnology. After providing a definition of nanotechnology, the presentation goes on to illustrate the size of a...
Screenshot for An Introduction to Speed Networking
In this video, published by InnovATEBIO, Karen Leung discusses using speed networking between students, alumni, and industry professionals to increase recruitment after graduation. Leung describes speed networking along with its benefits for students followed by virtual speed networking and its...
Screenshot for An Introduction to the Digital Multimeter
The digital multimeter is an electronic technician's most widely used piece of equipment. The proper operation of the meter is essential. In this interactive online learning object, students read an introduction for the functions and proper operation of a digital multimeter.
Screenshot for An Introduction to Voice over the IP: SCANS and Competencies
This 2-page resource, from the National Convergence Technology Center (CTC), provides learning outcomes and performance objectives for a Voice over IP course. These outcomes and objectives are related to workplace skills that students may use in their future careers. An example of learning...
Module Description: This Overview of Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) Technologies module consists of a PowerPoint presentation, labs, and syllabus designed to enhance automotive electrical courses with HEV technologies and was developed through seed funding from the Center for Advanced Automotive...
Screenshot for Anaerobic Digestion Using Kitchen Materials Video
This video, from the Ohio State University, demonstrates how to set up an experiment in anaerobic digestion for bioenergy production using common household items, including vinegar, baking soda, and water bottles. The video is intended to introduce educators to the process for the purpose of...
Screenshot for Analog Circuits: Ohm's Law & Basic Concepts
This tutorial is provided by National Instruments and introduces users to the basic fundamentals of analog circuits. Topics include Ohm's Law, Basic Analog Circuit Concepts, Capacitance Calculations, and Inductance Calculations. Users can also view an interactive presentation to explore the...
Screenshot for Analog Fundamentals
This tutorial is provided by National Instruments and includes information on analog circuits. Topics covered include Basic Analog Circuits; Analog Sampling Basics; Sampling Quality; Windowing: Optimizing FFTs Using Window Functions; Dithering, Layout, and High-Quality Components: Tools to Decrease...
Screenshot for Analog Sample Quality: Accuracy, Sensitivity, Precision, and Noise
This tutorial is provided by National Instruments and covers the basics of analog sampling quality. Topics include Resolution, Measurement Sensitivity, Accuracy and Example Accuracy Calculation, and Difference between Precision and Accuracy. The page also includes a video demonstration on analog...
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