Browse Resources

Higher Education -- Undergraduate (Lower Division)


Description: This collection of resources, made available by Riverside Community College, provides information about education for and careers in the Supply Chain Technician field. Included in the collection is a section of resources designed for middle school students, and a section of resources...
This 213-page report looks at education requirements, projected job accessibility and potential earnings by the industries and occupations the jobs cluster in, and differences for male and female workers. The report depicts the most positive outlook for workers with Bachelor's and graduate degrees....
Screenshot for Career Father-Daughter Biostatisticians
This video is part of the 2020 SciTech Lecture Series from Forsyth Technical Community College. This series of lectures is held every year and covers an array of science and technology topics. This interview features Dr. R.B. D'Agostino Jr. and Dr. Lucy D'Agostino McGowen, father and daughter...
CareerOneStop is provided by the United States Department of Labor and is designed to provide information on high growth, in-demand occupations along with the skills and education needed to attain those jobs. CareerOneStop is a source for employment information and inspiration, a pathway to career...
Screenshot for Career Opportunities and Resources In Solar for Veterans
During this webinar, provided by the Center for Renewable Energy Advanced Technological Education Resource Center (CREATE), presenters discuss best practices for improving outcomes for veterans in solar training programs. Presenters include Megan Howes from the Solar Foundation, and Eric Filante...
Screenshot for Career Opportunities Outdoors and Underwater
The ATETV project delivers web-based videos to connect students to careers in advanced technology. In this episode of ATETV, marine technology and environmental technology are discussed. A student competition of remotely operated underwater vehicle technology is shown in the video. Employees with...
This 32-page resource from the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics provides information on alternative careers in applied mathematics. "In this guide, you will find answers to questions about careers in applied mathematics and computational science, and profiles of professionals working...
Screenshot for CareerTube
This series of videos from the National Network for Pulp and Paper Technology Training presents information about different Pulp and Paper Technology programs and industries around the world. The first video details the Pulp and Paper Technology program at Maine's Kennebec Valley Community College....
A premier research laboratory in the College of Engineering, the Carnegie Mellon Nanofabrication Facility is one of the most well equipped university based facilities for thin film and nano/micro device development in the United States. The Nanofab includes a cleanroom with 2,600 square feet of...
Screenshot for Carrier Flow in a Intrinsic Semiconductor Animation
Created by the Georgia Institute of Technology, this is an animation of carrier flow in a intrinsic semiconductor. The video runs 00:15 seconds in length and is available free for download.
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