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Higher Education -- Undergraduate (Upper Division)


Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer's historic experiment used techniques to cut and paste DNA to create the first custom-made organism containing recombined or 'recombinant' DNA. Cohen and Boyer inserted the recombinant DNA molecule they created into E. coli bacteria by means of a plasmid, thereby...
Screenshot for DNR Garmin Application
This website from the Minnesota department of natural resources provides information on the Garmin DNR application. The purpose of the application, its functionality and screenshots are included. The site also includes links which may be used to download the program.
This article from SPIE discusses an electron-beam-lithography technique which fabricates diffractive optical structures such as classic Fresnel-zone-plate lenses with fine features. "Diffractive optical elements are especially useful in parts of the electromagnetic spectrum, such as the soft x-ray...
This Nebraska Cooperative Extension guide discusses the principles and process of reverse osmosis treatment for household drinking water. The article can either be read via the web or downloaded as a PDF document.
Screenshot for Drug Discovery 1: How Does the New SARS-CoV-2 Protease Inhibitor Block Protease Activity?
This video, provided by Digital World Biology, is from a series of tutorial videos for iCn3D, a web-based three-dimensional visualization and structural analysis platform for molecular structures. During this video, presenter Sandra Porter offers step-by-step instructions on how to view and analyze...
Screenshot for Drug Discovery 2: Using Protein BLAST For Drug Discovery
This video, provided by Digital World Biology, is from a series of tutorial videos for iCn3D, a web-based three-dimensional visualization and structural analysis platform for molecular structures. In this video, presenter Sandra Porter discusses using the protein Basic Local Alignment Search Tool...
Screenshot for Drug Discovery 3 - Is My Protein Likely to Bind to This Inhibitor?
This video, provided by Digital World Biology, is from a series of tutorial videos for iCn3D, a web-based three-dimensional visualization and structural analysis platform for molecular structures. This tutorial builds on the previous video in the series: Drug Discovery 2: Using Protein BLAST For...
Two sequencing techniques were developed independently in the 1970s. The method developed by Fred Sanger used chemically altered 'dideoxy' bases to terminate newly synthesized DNA fragments at specific bases (either A, C, T, or G). These fragments are then size-separated, and the DNA sequence can be...
This Earning Credentials webinar, provided by Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC), was recorded April 13, 2012 and discusses documenting skills attainment with technical credentials as part of academic programs. This webinar defines some common credentials and how and why educators...
Screenshot for EarthExplorer
This tool from the United States Geological Survey provides an easy way to navigate a variety of data sets including aerial photography, AVHRR composites, declassified data, digital line graphs, digital maps and more. The tool also makes it easy to find the latitude and longitude for a given...
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