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Higher Education -- Undergraduate (Upper Division)


Description: Tacoma Community College offers a Logistics course program, funded in part by the National Science Foundation, to provide students with the professional skills necessary to succeed in warehouse, inventory, and supply chain management. Logistics 112, Importing & Exporting, seeks to...
Screenshot for Longitudinal Study Of Engineering Student Performance And Retention IV: Instructional Methods And Student Responses To Them
This paper, from Richard M. Felder of the Department of Chemical Engineering at North Carolina State University, covers an ongoing longitudinal study of instructional methods and student outcomes. Felder gives a break-down of each aspect of the experimental course and a lengthy discussion of student...
This webpage, made available by the College of Lake County, provides resources for instructors interested in building and using a mechatronics trainer as part of beginning level mechatronics courses. The webpage is broken into sections including a short  introduction, LMCT Build Docs, Curriculum &...
Screenshot for Luminescent Nanoparticles of Metal Oxides
This video recording is made available by the Nanotechnology Applications & Career Knowledge (NACK) and the Nanotechnology Collaborative Infrastructure Southwest (NCI-Southwest), and features a webinar presentation by Dr. Yuanbing Mao on luminescent nanoparticles of metal oxides. This presentation...
Screenshot for Lurie Nanofabrication Facility
The Michigan Nanofabrication Facility (MNF) at the University of Michigan Solid-State Electronics Laboratory (SSEL) is one of the leading centers worldwide on micro electromechanical systems (MEMS) and microsystems. It provides facilities and processes for the integration of Si integrated circuits...
Screenshot for M.I.A. Robotics: Technical Report
This 25-page report, provided by Alexandria University, describes the design and construction of the underwater remotely operated vehicle (ROV) created by the M.I.A. Robotics team for the Explorer Class of the 2022 MATE ROV competition. MATE ROV is a global competition that challenges STEM students...
Screenshot for Magnificent Vortex: Technical Report
This 25-page report, provided by the Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport, describes the design and construction of the underwater remotely operated vehicle (ROV) created by the Magnificent Vortex team for the Explorer Class of the 2022 MATE ROV competition. MATE ROV is a global...
Screenshot for Making A Case For Support: The NSF Merit Review Criteria
This webinar, published by Project Vision, explores the National Science Foundation (NSF) merit review criteria. In the webinar, David Brown provides an overview of the merit review process, highlights the criteria for merit review, explores how educators and administrators can use merit review to...
Screenshot for Making an Element Color Key in iCn3D
This video, provided by Digital World Biology, is from a series of tutorial videos for iCn3D, a web-based three-dimensional visualization and structural analysis platform for molecular structures. During this video, presenter Sandra Porter provides step-by-step instructions on making an element...
Screenshot for Making Business Sense of Energy Efficiency and Pollution Prevention
This report, written by Miriam Pye, discusses the profitability of energy efficiency and pollution prevention for businesses.  The author highlights how both of these topics are key to sustainable development and industrial ecology.  The paper is available free as a downloaded PDF, however, one must...
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