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Higher Education -- Undergraduate (Upper Division)


Screenshot for Nano-Scale Device Simulations Using PROPHET-Lab Exercise 1
This lecture, created by Yang Lui, is intended to be a practical guide on the use of a general device simulator (PROPHET) available on nanoHUB. PROPHET is a partial differential equation (PDE) solver that offers users the flexibility of integrating new models and equations for their nano-device...
This webpage, created by Chris Orfescu, uses art to explain the processes of nanotechnology.  Using microscopes to photograph subatomic particles, Orfescu creates nanolandscapes and nanosculptures by "manipulating matter at molecular and atomic scales using chemical and physical processes."  There...
Screenshot for NanoBiotechnology
This video, from Forsyth Technical Community College, is part of the 2021 SciTech Lecture Series. This series of lectures and interviews is held every year and covers an array of science and technology topics. This video provides an interview with Deb Newberry, CEO of Newberry Technology Associates,...
Screenshot is a website provided by the Network for Computational Nanotechnology. The site presents resources on many nanotechnology and other technology related topics including algorithms, bio nano applications, carbon nanotubes, circuits, devices, education, outreach, material science, molecular...
Screenshot for nanoHUB Forge
This nanoHub website provides links to tool development web pages. Many tools are open sources and the code can be downloaded via Subversion from the nanoHub website. Some tools are closed source. Some examples of tools include: Atomic Simulation Environment GUI, Spin-dependent Electronic Transport...
Screenshot for Nanoparticle Synthesis Safety Measures (Part 1)
This video, made available by the Center for Nanotechnology Education (Nano-Link), provides an overview of safety measures for a nanoparticle synthesis laboratory. In the video students are shown demonstrating safety measures in a nanoscience laboratory for the following topics: planning, storage...
Screenshot for Nanosolutions to the Water Problem
This learning object, created by Barbara Liang of the Wisconsin Online Resource Center, discusses using nanosolutions to purifying water. There are several flash animations on different processes for obtaining this goal.
Screenshot for Nanotechnology Workshops at Northwest Vista College
This webinar, from the Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC), provides information about the AIM-TEC grant. The webinar is presented by Neda Habibi, principal investigator of the Alamo Institute for Materials (micro, bio, nano) - Technology (AIM-TEC) and Co-PI of MNT-EC. During the...
This learning object offers a brief summary of the impact of nanotechnology on automobile tires. Learners look at the future of cars, especially the safety and future of automobile tires.
Screenshot for National Ag Safety Database
This website, provided by the National Agricultural Safety defense, is a central repository of agricultural health, safety, and injury prevention materials for the agricultural community and especially for agricultural safety specialists. Resources and training materials are organized by topic.  
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