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Higher Education -- Undergraduate (Upper Division)


Screenshot for Nico Stuurman: Fluorescence Microscopy
This lecture from the iBioSeminars project is presented by Nico Stuurman, professor of cellular and molecular pharmacology at UC-San Francisco. Fluorescence is a physical phenomenon in which a compound absorbs light and re-emits this as light of a usually higher wavelength. Since the excitation...
Screenshot for NIH 3D Print Exchange
This webpage, created by the National Institutes of Health, provides models for 3D printing that are related to biomedical science. These models are 3D printer compatible and scientifically accurate or medically applicable. Visitors to the webpage can browse different models via the four model...
Screenshot for Ninth Annual Nano-Link Conference
This video, created by the Center for Nanotechnology Education (Nano-Link), provides an overview of the Ninth Annual Nano-Link Conference. Students are shown talking about their experiences, learning about nanoscience topics in laboratory environments, playing Nano-Link Jeopardy, giving poster...
Screenshot for NISTmAb and NISTCHO: Reference Materials for the Biopharmaceutical Industry
This video, from Digital World Biology, discusses the development and characteristics of a cell line called NIST CHO, engineered to produce a monoclonal antibody. The video details the various cell lines used in research, including E. coli, NS0 cells, and yeast strains, highlighting the transition...
This document, provided by NUE: Exposing Engineering Students to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology at the University of North Dakota, is an article describing the work of four faculty members from the University of North Dakota to establish a nanoscience and nanotechnology program at their institution....
This page, from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, offers collections of data for use by educators, students, researchers, and the general public. There are nine categories of data available: Real-Time Data, Physical Properties Data,...
Screenshot for NOAA's Maritime Heritage Program
NOAA's Maritime Heritage Program's mission is to protect, promote and explore our maritime heritage through a national program embracing heritage resources in our evolving coastal, marine and Great Lakes stewardship. The site contains expedition information, research topics, links to additional...
Screenshot for NOAA's Office of Coast Survey
In 1807, President Thomas Jefferson established the Survey of the Coast in order to support safe transportation through the United States' waters. Today, the Office of Coast Survey is part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) National Ocean Service. Their mission is to...
Screenshot for Nokia Morph Concept
This video clip covers technology advancements being developed by Nokia. These include electronics materials and films that can be stretched or folded to wear as a bracelet on your arm, used to sense different types of contamination in the air or on fruit, touch key pads that go from being flat on...
Areas of the country where air pollution levels persistently exceed the national ambient air quality standards may be designated "nonattainment." This site offers information and maps regarding regions of the country which have been designated as nonattainment areas for each of the pollutants:...
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