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Higher Education -- Undergraduate (Upper Division)


This 42 page report, published through a collaboration of the National CyberWatch Center, Grimm + Parker Architects, and Steelcase, an innovative furnature design and manufacturing company, is intended to offer "support in the planning and design of advanced, high performing cybersecurity learning...
Screenshot for OUC:ROVER : Technical Report
This 31-page report, published by the Ocean University of China, describes the design and construction of an underwater remotely operated vehicle (ROV). This report was created by OUC-ROVER, a student group that participated in the 2021 MATE ROV competitions Explorer class. MATE ROV is a global...
This presentation by Gerald Matthews was given to the Workshop on Assessment of 21st Century Skills, held in January 2011. In it, Matthews discusses favorable and skeptical perspectives on emotional intelligence, a survey of measurement techniques, and conclusions.
This webinar recording is provided by EvaluATE: Evaluation Resource Center for Advanced Technological Education and covers outcome evaluation. The webinar discusses "how to identify appropriate outcomes to assess in an evaluation and how to use those intended outcomes as a foundation for planning or...
Screenshot for Overview of NSF Programs, with a Specific Focus of ATE Proposals
This webinar, published by Project Vision, explores the National Science Foundation (NSF) and Advanced Technological Education (ATE) program proposals. In the webinar, David Brown introduces the NSF, explores the NSF website, highlights NSF programs that support undergraduate education, looks into...
Screenshot for PacerSpacer
In this resource provided by DeafTEC, the PacerSpacer resource is described in detail and recommended to instructors with deaf and hard of hearing students in their classrooms. The purpose of the software is to allow adequate time for students for students to read the slides before the instructor...
Screenshot for PACT Meeting: A Community-Based Approach to Respiratory Protection and Keeping Workers Safe (Session 6 of 11)
This video is part of a series of webinars from the National Pesticide Safety Education Center. In the video, Carolyn Sheridan highlights a community-based approach to respiratory protection for workers. Sheridan explores respiratory exposures in agriculture, respirators, COVID-19, the worker...
Screenshot for PACT Meeting: Antimicrobials 101, A Perspective From EPA On Registration and Labeling (Session 2 of 11)
This video is part of a series of webinars from the National Pesticide Safety Education Center. In the video, Faye Golden talks about registration and labeling for antimicrobials. Golden covers the types of labels, labeling resources, and antimicrobial public health products. The American...
Screenshot for PACT Meeting: Applicator Certification and Training, Antimicrobial/Disinfectants, COVID-19 and Beyond (Session 3 of 11)
This video is part of a series of webinars from the National Pesticide Safety Education Center. In the video, Mary Centrella talks about the American Association of Pesticide Safety Educators Antimicrobials Workgroup, its major goals, topics the workgroup explores, and outreach efforts. Following...
Screenshot for PACT Meeting: CDC and EPA Recommendations Due to COVID-19, What They Mean to Pesticide Safety Protocols (Session 5 of 11)
This video is part of a series of webinars from the National Pesticide Safety Education Center. In the video, Kerry Richards covers EPA recommendations due to COVID-19. Worker protection standards (WPS) and respirators are highlighted. Requirements and recommendations are explored. Remote training,...
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