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Higher Education -- Graduate/Professional


Screenshot for Successful MLF: The Beauty Of Co-Inoculation
This webinar from Bucher Vaslin North America explores co-inoculation, which is the practice of inoculating selected wine bacteria shortly after yeast inoculation. In the video, Eglantine Chauffour describes malolactic fermentation (MLF), the importance of using selected lactic acid bacteria,...
Screenshot for Summer Working Connections 20th Anniversary Retrospective
This video, delivered by the National Convergence Technology Center (CTC) to attendees of the July 2022 Summer Working Connections professional development event, offered a retrospective featuring interviews and archival footage of the history and impact of the Working Connections program to help...
Screenshot for Supporting the Use of Modern GIS Across Your Institution
This video, from the 2021 Esri Education Summit, provides presentations from three GIS professionals who share how their institution navigated the change from a desktop-centric GIS to a modern GIS, which integrates the web, desktop, mobile, and more. Best practices, positioning an institution for...
Screenshot for Sustainable Architecture Collaborations with International Partners
In this video from the Center for Renewable Energy Advanced Technology Education Resource Center (CREATE), Jason Oliver from the College of the Canyons talks about sustainable student design projects with international partners. Oliver describes collaborative online international learning (COIL) and...
Screenshot for Sustainable Development: Theory and Policy
This is a course description for Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s (MIT) course 17.181/17.182, Sustainable Development: Theory and Policy. "This course focuses on the sustainability problems of industrial countries and of developing states and economies in transition." The site provides an...
Screenshot for Sustainable Futures Institute
The mission of the Sustainable Futures Institute (SFI) at Michigan Technological University is to create and disseminate new tools, methods, knowledge, and technologies that promote, enable and support environmental, economic, and societal sustainability principles. Their page includes information...
Screenshot for TCR Receptor
This resource, provided by Anti-body Engineers, includes an image of a 3D model of a TCR receptor. Users can click on the image and see a TCR receptor in iCn3D. iCn3D is a three-dimensional visualization platform for molecular structures. The T-cell receptor (TCR) model provides a representation of...
Screenshot for The Bright Light on the Horizon: How We Start Narrowing the Cybersecurity Skills Gap Now for the Post-Covid 19 Future
This webinar from the National CyberWatch Center is part of a series of webinars on cybersecurity. In the webinar, cybersecurity technology training and hiring professionals explore cybersecurity's role in economic recovery post-pandemic, and cybersecurity education and hiring. Amy Kardel introduces...
This lecture from the iBioSeminars project is presented by J. Michael Bishop of the University of California, San Francisco. It presents how the sequencing of cancer genomes will advance the study and management of cancer on various fronts, including the discovery of causes, the improvement of early...
This site, supported by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS), the U.S. National Institutes of Health, and the American Society for Cell Biology, is a resource database of cell images, videos, and animations for use in research, education, and training. The historic and modern...
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