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Higher Education -- Graduate/Professional


This webinar, made available by Internet Scout Research Group, features Rachel Bower and Luis Perez discussing how educators can increase the accessibility of high quality materials for learners with disabilities. The presentation is geared towards all educators in order to make designing for...
This page, from the The Center for Innovative Research in Cyberlearning (CIRCL), offers information on Design-Based Implementation Research (DBIR) and its focus on its use of collaborative design methods to address the difficulties of broad implementation of research-based innovations. The overview...
Screenshot for Designing in Mass Timber: Current Work and Lessons Learned
In this webinar from Michigan State University, Anna Anderson, Ben Ridderbos, and Matt Kanter describe current work and lessons learned in designing and executing mass timber projects. The panelists discuss the collaboration between Equilibrium Consulting and Lord Aeck Sargent, as well as past and...
Screenshot for Developing CUREs for Antibody Engineering
In this video, published by InnovATEBIO, Sandra Porter and Sheela Vemu explore antibody engineering research projects. The video largely focuses on the results of an Antibody Engineering Hackathon, which was launched as a means to catalyze project creation and build a community of collaborators. The...
This lecture from the iBioSeminars project is presented by Mary C. Berckerle from the Huntsman Cancer Institute at the University of Utah and covers the identification of the focal adhesion protein, zyxin, by a lab. Recent work revealed that zyxin is down-regulated upon expression of the Ewing...
Screenshot for Diversity in Clean Energy
This report, published by E2, highlights the need for better diversity in clean energy industries in the United States. Findings demonstrate that four out of ten racial and ethnic minority groups are represented in the clean energy workforce, black workers comprise eight percent of the clean energy...
Screenshot for DNA Automation with Nano-Structured Ceramics
In this video from the NACK Center, Mario Blanco explores fully synthetic oligonucleotides and how the use of nano-structured ceramic films enables the synthesis of hundreds of DNA genes in gram quantities overnight. Furthermore, Blanco describes how these nano-structured ceramics can be...
Screenshot for DNR Garmin Application
This website from the Minnesota department of natural resources provides information on the Garmin DNR application. The purpose of the application, its functionality and screenshots are included. The site also includes links which may be used to download the program.
This article from SPIE discusses an electron-beam-lithography technique which fabricates diffractive optical structures such as classic Fresnel-zone-plate lenses with fine features. "Diffractive optical elements are especially useful in parts of the electromagnetic spectrum, such as the soft x-ray...
This Nebraska Cooperative Extension guide discusses the principles and process of reverse osmosis treatment for household drinking water. The article can either be read via the web or downloaded as a PDF document.
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