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Engineering Technologies -- Materials technologies


Screenshot for Hardness of Materials-Introduction
This lesson plan from Edmonds Community College will serve as an excellent introduction to the hardness of materials. The module illustrates the differences in properties between different materials. Students will determine property differences between different types of materials, observe property...
Screenshot for Hot and Cold pHun Experiment: Cement Hydration and pH Evolution During Curing
The Materials Science and Technology Teacher's Workshop (MAST) provides this lesson plan for students learning about concrete. The class will "calculate the amount of water that reacts during hydration when cement becomes concrete under differing curing temperatures and observe the pH change that...
Screenshot for How Dense Is It? An Introduction to Concrete Density and Aggregates
The Materials Science and Technology Teacher's Workshop (MAST) provides this lesson plan for students learning about concrete. The purpose of the activity is to "determine the density of a concrete sample and to learn the effect of various types of aggregates on concrete's density." The experiment...
The objective of this learning activity is to provide students with an introduction to using digital photography and the stroboscopic technique to measure high speed droplet size and velocity. This will be useful knowledge in applications such as "high-speed assembly lines, conveyor systems,...
Screenshot for Introduction to Composite Materials for Engineers and Technicians
This learning module will help instructors explain composite materials specifically for engineers and technicians. Students will learn the structure and advantages of composite materials as well as the basic processing procedures involved in their creation. It will serve as a one-lecture...
Screenshot for Iron and Steel–Properties and Applications
This document provides a learning module on iron and steel for use in materials education. The lesson examines the basic properties of iron and steel and includes discussions, demonstrations and suggested optional classroom activities. The materials can be covered in one to two class periods.
Screenshot for Let's Make an Addition Polymer: Demonstration
The Materials Science and Technology Teacher's Workshop (MAST) provides this lesson plan for students learning about polymers. The class will produce an addition polymer using a free radical initiator. A step by step procedure is included in the document. A basic review of the scientific principles...
Screenshot for Light at the End of the Tunnel: An Introduction to the Study of Fiber Optics
The Materials Science and Technology Teacher's Workshop (MAST) provides this experiment on fiber optics. The lesson aims to show that light will travel down a glass tube because of internal reflection. This module will help students understand the physical properties that allow fiber optics...
This page from the Materials Education National Resource Center contains the archived proceedings from the 2005 National Educators Workshop. These workshops have provided "over 7000 participants with the latest developments in material science and technology while offering strategies for improving...
This page from the Materials Education National Resource Center contains the proceedings from the 2007 National Educators Workshop. These workshops have provided "over 7000 participants with the latest developments in material science and technology while offering strategies for improving teaching...
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