RCNET ACAD 08-006 Crosswalk: 1.3 Core Curriculum - Basic Components Knowledge

Program Description:
This material was published by the Regional Center for Nuclear Education and Training (RCNET) as part of a comprehensive crosswalk that links objectives of ACAD 08-006 with GP Strategies ABC Material, NUCP Surveyed Material, NANTeL resources, EPRI resources, web resources, and published material available to all RCNET partners. These accredited utility training programs are based off training and qualification guidelines (ACADs) published by the National Academy for Nuclear Training.
ACAD 08-006 is the Uniform Curriculum Guide for Nuclear Power Plant Technician, Maintenance, and Nonlicensed Operations Personnel Associate Degree Programs and includes five main curriculum areas: Core Curriculum, Discipline-Specific Curriculum for Nonlicensed Operators, Discipline-Specific Curriculum for Radiological Protection Technicians, Discipline-Specific for Chemistry Technicians, and Discipline Specific for Maintenance Personnel.
The Core Curriculum is divided into three sections: Fundamentals, Basic Systems Knowledge, and Basic Components Knowledge. This Basic Components Knowledge section (ACAD 08-006 1.3) covers "describ[ing] basic construction, application, and operation of plant components."
Materials associated with ACAD 08-006 1.3 include one document of instructor notes and 18 PowerPoint presentations. The 18-page document "... provides instructor notes and references to other matters which may be used to develop a lesson on fire detection and protection system."
This material covers, more specifically: the theory, construction, and application of the following: diesel engines; air conditioning, heating, and ventilation systems; auxiliary equipment; rotating equipment; electrical supply components; electrical control components; valve actuator types; and more.
For orientation purposes the Fire Detection and Protection Instructor Notes.pdf is included as a separate attachment and offers a sample of the type of material included in this curriculum.
Below is a list of the files contained within the .zip attachment. The size of each file is included in parenthesis.
1.3 Basic Components Knowledge (22 files, 378.6 MB)
- Instructor Notes
- Fire Detection and Protection Instructor Notes (Fire Detection and Protection Instructor Notes.docx 316 KB)
- Presentations
- Auxiliary Mechanical Equipment (Auxiliary Mechanical Equipment.ppt 2.6 MB)
- Boilers and Thermic Fluid Heaters (Boilers and Thermic Fluid Heaters.pptx 1.2 MB)
- Electronic Controls (Electronic Controls.ppt12.1 MB)
- Elevator Systems, Hoists and Cranes (Elevator Systems, Hoists and Cranes.pptx 349 MB)
- Emergency Diesel Generators (Emergency Diesel Generators (2).ppt 9.8 MB)
- Emergency Diesel Generator (EmergencyDieselGenerator (1).ppt 107.1 MB)
- Fire Detection & Protection System (FireDetection&ProtectionSystem.ppt 117.1 MB)
- Fire Protection System (FireProtectionSystem.pptx 30.5 MB)
- Foreign Material Exclusion (Foreign Material Exclusion.ppt 788 KB)
- Hoists and Cranes (Hoists and Cranes.pptx 2.6 MB)
- Initial Rigging (InitialRigging.ppt 38.2 MB)
- Plant Overview--Motor (Plant Overview--Motors.pptx 3.4 MB)
- Plant Status (Plant Status.pptx 21.1 MB)
- Pneumatic Control Valve (Pneumatic Control Valves.ppt 2.6 MB)
- Radiant Heat Transfer (Radiant Heat Transfer.pptx 741 KB)
- Reactor Regulating Systems (Reactor Regulating Systems.ppt 5.4 MB)
- Switchgear and Motor Control Centers (Switchgear and Motor Control Centers.ppt 5.2 MB)
- Valves (Valves.ppt 17.4 MB)
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