Advanced Skills Needed By Technicians Working With Current And Future Vehicles

This webinar is part of a series of Mindful Mobility Tech Talks hosted by the Columbia-Willamette Clean Cities Coalition. In the webinar, Bruce Emerson, Ben Cruz, and Mark Quarto present on skill requirements for vehicle technicians. Emerson highlights the training and education needs for engineering technicians, which includes information on microcontrollers, learning models, troubleshooting, and diagnostics. Cruz explores automotive industry trends, such as the emergence of automated and electric vehicle technologies, and the new skills and education requirements they demand. Cruz also considers the history of electronics and electromechanical controls, connected and automated vehicles, the technician skills gap, and a vehicle engineering technician program. Quarto explores barriers, challenges, and solutions for vehicle electrification. Quarto also considers the education, training, and skills gaps associated with electric vehicles. Presentation slides are available to view separately. The video recording runs 1:37:04 minutes in length.
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