An Equity Focused Robotics and Automation Education Program for Career Development and Employment

Middlesex Community College (MCC) intends to design an Associate Degree in Science (AS) that will focus on emerging robotics and automation industries utilizing the Advanced Technological Education (ATE) program business and industry leadership team, or BILT, model to inform curriculum and validate the job skills students will learn. This project intends to create an employment pipeline and foster career development for the diverse student population at MCC, including high school students in early college (dual enrollment) classes. MCC is committed to equity-based curriculum development and practices.

The outcome of this project is intended to be an educated diverse workforce that lives in and supports the regional and local community. The design of MCC's AS in Robotics and Automation will be informed by industry partners to create a career pathway for both college and high school students selecting dual enrollment courses. This project will promote economic equity through broadening participation of students from underrepresented groups in the robotics industry. Students will also participate in an inclusive and supportive learning environment that will promote equity, retention, and success of all students. Implementing and assessing equity-focused high-impact pedagogical strategies is expected to improve technology education, increase its relevance and contribute to evidence-based practices and curriculum designed to strengthen the pipeline for Robotics and Automation workers into the community and the region.

ATE Award Metadata

Award Number
Funding Status
ATE Start Date
October 1st, 2024
ATE Expiration Date
September 30th, 2027
ATE Principal Investigator
Marie Tupaj
Primary Institution
Middlesex Community College
Record Type
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