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Science -- Chemistry


This curriculum unit from Cornell Science Inquiry Partnerships aims to teach students about acid/base chemistry through the use of titration. Students act as quality control testers to determine the amount of Ca2+ in Tang® and Mg(OH)2 in milk of magnesia by standardizing three solutions for ion...
Screenshot for Don't Throw it in the Garbage: Investigating the Classification and Processing of Recycled Products
The Materials Science and Technology Teacher's Workshop (MAST) provides this lesson plan for students learning about polymers. The exercise will investigate the use of the "three arrow numbering system" for recycling polymers. The lab covers classes of polymers, their uses and physical properties of...
Screenshot for Dry Thermal Oxidation Process
In this video, created by Support Center for Microsystems Education (SCME), viewers can watch an animation on the dry thermal oxidation process. This animation "illustrates the chemistry of a dry thermal oxidation process that is used to grow silicon dioxide (SiO2) on a silicon (Si) wafer. In a dry...
This web page, from the Nanotechnology Applications and Career Knowledge Support Center (NACK Center), includes materials for the undergraduate laboratory course titled Materials, Safety, and Equipment Overview for Nanotechnology. The following five units are included in the course: Safety and...
This web page, from the Nanotechnology Applications and Career Knowledge Support Center (NACK Center), includes materials for the undergraduate laboratory course titled Basic Nanotechnology Processes. The following seven units are included: An Introduction to Processing, An Introduction to Uses of...
This web page, from the Nanotechnology Applications and Career Knowledge Support Center (NACK Center), includes materials for the undergraduate laboratory course titled Materials in Nanotechnology. The following nine units are included in the course: An Introduction to Colloidal and Self-Assembled...
This web page, from the Nanotechnology Applications and Career Knowledge Support Center (NACK Center), includes materials for the undergraduate laboratory course titled Patterning for Nanotechnology. The following five units are included in the course: Advanced Lithography General Information,...
Screenshot for E-Waste Recycling
This video is provided by Missoula College and shows energy practicum students precipitating gold out of solution as part of a method of reusing gold that had been removed from electronic waste. The video runs 05:02 minutes in length and features students discussing various aspects of the chemistry...
Screenshot for Egg-sucking Snapple Bottle Activity
This 2-page activity, from the Advanced Technology Environmental and Energy Center (ATEEC), is intended to help environmental science students connect core skills in math, science, communication, and critical thinking to real-world issues. This lesson introduces simple gas laws and air pressure...
This video, from the Rubbermaid company, demonstrates a plunger which never gets wet. The plunger uses a nanotech coating to stay clean and dry. The video demonstration will help to facilitate discussion about the everyday applications of nanotechnology as well as how this plunger works. Running...
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