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Science -- Engineering


Screenshot for The Materials in Your New TV: The Liquid Crystal Display
This module introduces the liquid crystal display, including glass substrates, electronics and liquid crystals. Learning objectives include explaining the components of the LCD system, describing the process of making LCD glass, illustrating a typical glassy structure, defining a liquid crystal, and...
Screenshot for The Need for Female Role Models in Engineering Education
Over 380 female undergraduate engineering and technology students were surveyed on eight categories including demographics, role models, and scenarios that might make a female student more comfortable studying engineering. One important result from the survey is that female students who had four to...
This slide deck, from the Advanced Manufacturing and Prototyping Integrated to Unlock Potential (AMP-IT-UP) project, was presented at the International Technology and Engineering Educators Association Conference. The slide deck was presented by Jeff Rosen, Amber Smith, and James Ray and discusses...
Screenshot for The Odd Behavior of Rubber Bands
In this laboratory module, students will have the opportunity to explore the structure of a simple rubber band in this easy and quick in-class activity. Students will also observe the behavior of rubber bands when stretched and when contracted. The module is about 30 minutes long, appropriate for...
This learning object, created by Terry Bartelt of the Wisconsin Online Resource Center, focuses on reflected load in a transformer. This employment of Flash allows users to interact with the presentation. Overall, this is a nice introduction to the basics of this specific topic.
Screenshot for The Scholarship Horizons in Engineering Technology: Choosing the Best Path
This paper on Engineering Technology (ET) came from a task force that presented at the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference. In it, the authors discuss ET scholarship and the importance of having relevant ET scholarship, the evaluation of ET Scholarship, faculty...
The Marine Advanced Technology Education Center introduces the concept of actuators as they are utilized on a remotely operated vehicle, or ROV, using the Triggerfish ROV project. "The TriggerFish ROV kit uses four bidirectional motor controllers and 2 joysticks for precision navigation. The ROV...
This 3-page paper, provided by the American Society for Engineering Education, describes the Women in Applied Science and Engineering (WISE) Summer Bridge Program at Arizona State University. The program is designed to prepare incoming female students for the transition from high school to the...
This page from Wright State University's (WSU) College of Engineering and Computer Science website provides information on their approach to engineering mathematics education. "The Wright State model seeks to redefine the way in which engineering mathematics is taught, with the goal of increasing...
This lecture, published by Columbia Gorge Community College, provides a detailed overview of the cumulative on delay function in multifunction timers and uses different illustrated examples. Topics covered include cumulative on delay function, review of general timer functions, and setting up...
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