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Science -- Instructional issues


Screenshot for NCSR: Environmental Science II
Program Description: Environment Science is a series of three courses developed by Chemeketa Community College that addresses environmental topics. Each is a 4-credit course that includes a lab and lecture. The courses are targeted towards students in natural resource areas (e.g. Forestry, Fish and...
Screenshot for NCSR: Environmental Science III
Program Description: Environment Science is a series of three courses developed by Chemeketa Community College that addresses environmental topics. Each is a 4-credit course that includes a lab and lecture. The courses are targeted towards students in natural resource areas (e.g. Forestry, Fish and...
Screenshot for NCSR: Forest Regeneration
Forest Regeneration is a field-based laboratory "that evaluates tree seedling growth and mortality and stand development as part of a reforestation project. This long-term project requires students to apply skills that are commonly used in forest management. The activity also incorporates an...
Screenshot for NCSR: Geographic Information Systems
This Geographic Information Systems 3-credit course is intended to "introduce students to the principles and practice of GIS, while providing experience using ArcView and Idrisi. This course will develop both a theoretical understanding of GIS and experience in accessing GIS datasets. Students will...
Screenshot for NCSR: Human Impacts
Module Description: This module is intended to help students understand human impacts on the environment. The module includes four components: One Planet Many People - Atlas of Our Changing Environment, Ecological Footprint Analysis, A description of other sources of remote sensing imagery and...
Screenshot for NCSR: Principles of Wildlife Conservation
Principles of Wildlife Conservation is an introductory course that introduces students to "the history of wildlife conservation, basic ecological concepts, human impacts on wildlife and habitat, social and economic issues relating to wildlife management, and management objectives and strategies for...
Screenshot for NCSR: Special Topics I - Forest Surveying and Silviculture
This 56-page manual provides an overview for the introductory Forest Surveying course. In this course "students are introduced to basic forest surveying techniques including the fundamentals of horizontal and vertical measurements. This course also introduces students to planimetric and topographic...
Screenshot for NCSR: Special Topics II - Watersheds, Soils, and Ornithology
This 115-page guide provides a variety of laboratory, classroom, and field activities that can be used to introduce students to the concept of ecosystem-based natural resource management. The guide is divided into three, sections - Watershed Ecosystems, Soils and Ornithology. "The first section -...
Screenshot for NCSR: Student Questionnaire - Science as a Process
This 18-page PDF student questionnaire "has been developed to assist faculty in determining the effectiveness of an instructional unit (normally a term length introductory environmental science laboratory/field based course) in increasing student knowledge of the scientific process of gathering and...
Screenshot for NCSR: Town Meeting - An Approach to Exploring Environmental Issues
This module uses a "town Meeting" teaching method and a case study to evaluate complex environmental issues. The case study used is the Klamath Basin, Oregon situation where endangered species management, dwindling water supplies, and drought have impacted the local agricultural community. "The town...
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