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Micro and Nanotechnologies


Screenshot for Gelatin Microfluidics
This lab, presented by the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network, covers the concept of material properties. Students will create a microfluidic device to show "the importance of channel design in biotechnology and nanotechnology and the methods used to study the behavior of fluids as they...
This reference sheet, presented by the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network provides a valuable information on genetics and cell division for high school students studying these topics. The sheet includes diagrams of DNA molecules, information on the genetic code for amino acids, both a...
Screenshot for Grading for Equity
This webinar was presented by Tara Nelson and Peter Kazarinoff from Portland Community College and covers grading for equity in the classroom. During the webinar, Nelson and Kazarinoff discuss how teachers can change things up to make grading for all more equitable. The presenters talk about the...
This 86-page handbook is provided by the Nanotechnology Applications and Career Knowledge Support Center (NACK Center) and is intended to familiarize nanotechnology program personnel with practices of other nanotechnology programs. This handbook "is a compilation of outreach and recruitment...
Screenshot for Hands On(line) Lab Education with Remote SEM
This webinar discusses the potential of using scanning electron microscopes (SEM) in hands-on activities to enable and support students in remote classes. In the first part of this webinar, Zachary Gray presents on microscopy in education, which commonly uses optical microscopes. Additionally, he...
Screenshot for Hands-on Professional Development at UNM with Your Students
This presentation, published by the Support Center for Microsystems Education (SCME), took place at the Micro Nano Technology Education Special Interest Group (MNTeSIG) Live 2021 conference. In the presentation, Matthias Pleil discusses hands-on professional development at the University of New...
This teaching resource, provided by the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network (NNIN), touches on the issue of ethics in bio-nanotechnology for 6-12 teachers and adults. "Bio-nanotechnology is the application of nanotechnology to living things. This ranges from the creation of...
Screenshot for Hiding Behind the Mask
This lab, presented by the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network, covers the concept of semiconductor manufacturing. Students will learn about selective layering which is used to "build up some layers of patterned material so that very interesting things start to happen, like using voltage...
Screenshot for High Performance Heterogeneous Computing for Quantum Computing Simulations
This presentation, published by the Support Center for Microsystems Education (SCME), took place at the Micro Nano Technology Education Special Interest Group (MNTeSIG) Live 2021 conference. In the presentation, Auro Ashish Saha explores high performance heterogeneous computing for quantum computing...
This web page, from the Nanotechnology Applications and Career Knowledge Support Center (NACK Center), includes a collection of activities that was created for a nanotechnology camp for high school students. The following activities are included: Activity A: Welcome Activity B: Scavenger...
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