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Engineering Technologies -- Optics


Screenshot for Light Talks Podcast: Interview with Lisa Burrows
This episode of the Light Talks podcast from LASER-TEC provides an interview with Lisa Burrows, the Laser and Alignment Systems Engineering Work Center Supervisor at the National Ignition Facility Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. In the episode, Burrows discusses her educational background in...
This is a classroom activity to explain liquid crystal sensors for middle school students. A list of activity materials and .pdf handouts are included. The objectives of the activity are to "understand how liquid crystals (LCs) relate to other phases of matter (liquid, solid, gas); observe that...
Screenshot for Make a Pocket LED Cube
Make Magazine presents a video demonstrating how to make a 3x3x3 cube made of LED lights. Presenter Bre Pettis explains how to program the LED lights to perform an animation. For further instructions, visit 
Screenshot for Making Math and Science Skills Pay Off
The ATETV project delivers web-based videos to connect students to careers in advanced technology. In this episode of ATETV, laser and photonics technology, geospatial technology and alternative energy technologies are discussed. A strong background in math and science gives students an advantage in...
This 2-page resource, from the National Center for Optics and Photonics Education (OP-TEC), briefly covers a algebra concept that is important for photonics technicians to understand. Photonics technicians need to work with many different algebraic expressions that involve variables and constants,...
This 2-page resource, from the National Center for Optics and Photonics Education (OP-TEC), briefly covers a geometry concept that is important for photonics technicians to understand. "Photonics technicians need to perform calculations using angles measured in both degrees and radians, converting...
This 2-page resource, from the National Center for Optics and Photonics Education (OP-TEC), briefly covers a trigonometry concept that is important for photonics technicians to understand. "Photonics Technicians need to be able to recognize when the Pythagorean formula needs to be used to solve a...
This collection, provided by the National Center for Optics and Photonics Education (OP-TEC), includes an 137-page mathematics student review guide and related videos. This student guide is intended to help students studying photonics gain adequate math skills. The following topics are covered:...
Screenshot for Mathematics for Photonics Education: Angle Measures in 2 and 3 Dimensions
This lecture, presented by John Chamberlain, covers the basics of angles in 2D and 3D, as the concept relates to photonics education. In 15 minutes, Chamberlain explains the basics of radians and degrees, converting degrees and radians, and solid angles. Once the basics are covered, Chamberlain...
Screenshot for Mathematics for Photonics Education: Exponents and Logarithms
This lecture, presented by John Chamberlain, covers the basics of exponents and logarithms as the concepts relate to photonics education. In 22 minutes, Chamberlain presents the basics of natural logarithms, using calculators, and using logs in algebra. Once the basics are covered, Chamberlain...
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