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General Advanced Technological Education -- Learning research


This 286-page report is provided by the Goodman Research Group, Inc. and discusses a long-term study of more than fifty undergraduate engineering programs. The study used questionnaires for students, engineering deans, and engineering faculty as well as student focus groups and site visits. The...
Flat World Knowledge offers textbooks for free online for educational or personal use. They also offer convenient, low-cost textbook choices for students in different formats including print, audio, by-the-chapter, and more. Books are open for instructors to mix, mash, and make their own.
This webpage, published by Hostos Community College, provides instructional videos created for educators interested in incorporating the Game-Framed Math & Science (G-FMS) initiative into their classroom. The G-FMS initiative "aims to increase students’ understanding of STEM-based subjects at...
This 20-page paper from Elizabeth Fennema examines the topic of gender differences in learning mathematics. This paper examines changing beliefs about how women learn math, such as a preference for learning cooperatively, and reviews intervention programs for girls and women. Feminist perspectives...
Screenshot for Gender and Science Learning Early in High School: Subject Matter and Laboratory Experiences
This paper describes a study identifying factors related to gender differences in tenth grade science performance. An earlier study of eighth grade science performance found that gender differences were related to subject matter, student ability level, and frequency of hands-on lab opportunities. By...
This 10-page literature review, provided by Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, covers studies of gender differences in learning math, science, and technology. The possibility that female students think and learn differently as well as interact with equipment differently from boys...
This 5-page article, written by Donna Milgram of the National Institute for Women in Trades, Technology & Science, explores the gender differences in teaching science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). "There are gender differences in learning styles specific to science, math, engineering...
These PowerPoint slides, provided by Michigan Technological University, detail gender differences in spatial skills. At Michigan Technological University, several studies were undertaken to develop a course on spatial skills and track success. It was determined that the course had a significant...
Screenshot for Gender Differences in Spatial Reasoning Skills and their Effects on Success and Retention in Engineering Programs
This presentation from Sheryl A. Sorby of Michigan Technological University discusses gender differences in spatial reasoning skills, and the effects of these differences on success and retention in engineering programs. Sorby asks the question: If spatial skills are critical to success in...
This 4-page report from Sheila Tobias discusses issues related to women in mathematics and science. Key aspects explored include math anxiety and coping strategies, as well as important research on classroom conditions for female math and science students. This document may be downloaded in PDF file...
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